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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ジュン; ; standard
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 791 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2856
Japanese Reading English
じゅんしゃいん (n) associate member/junior employee/
じゅんきょういん (n) assistant teacher/
じゅんけっしょうせんsemifinal game of a tournament/
じゅんきょ(n,vs) basis/based on/conformance/authority (of)/standard/(P)/
準じるじゅんじる(v1) to follow/to conform/to apply to/
じゅんかいいん (n) associate member/
じゅんびうんどう(n,vs) warming (limbering) up/warming-up exercises/
じゅんびじょうきょうpreliminary conditions/initial conditions/
じゅんびちゅう in preparation/(shop) not yet open for business/
じゅんびきん (n) reserve fund/
じゅんきんちさん(n) quasi-incompetence/
じゅんけっしょう (n) semifinal (in sports)/(P)/
じゅんびのひ preparation day/
じゅんびしきんreserve funds/
じゅんびめいれいwarning order/
じゅんきゅう(n) local express (train, slower than an express)/(P)/
準準じゅんじゅんけっしょう (n) quarterfinal/
じゅんびきかんpreparatory phase/preparatory period/
準えるなぞらえる(v1) to pattern after/to liken to/to imitate/(P)/
じゅんきんちさんしゃ (n) a quasi-incompetent (individual)/
じゅんそく(n) regulations/standard/
じゅんしゃくsurveyor's leveling pole/
じゅんびかんせいpreliminary control of lights/
じゅんきゅうsemi-express train
じゅんびぎんこうreserve bank/
じゅんびしつ (n) preparation room/
じゅんびいいんかい (n) preparatory committee/
じゅんび(n,vs) preparation/arrangements/provision/reserve/(P)/
じゅんじょう(n) a level and inked string/norm/rule/standard/
準ずるじゅんずる(v5z) to apply correspondingly/to correspond to/to be proportionate to/to conform to/
じゅんよう(n,vs) corresponding application/
じゅんせい(n) quasar/
じゅん(n,pref) level/apply correspondingly/correspond to/be proportionate to/conform to/semi/quasi/associate/standard/rule/aim/(P)/
準準じゅんじゅんけっしょうせんquarterfinal game of a tournament/
じゅんびたいそうwarm-up exercises/
じゅんおおて second level (company, etc.)/