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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : リョウ; あさる; fish
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2684 Index in Halpern dictionary: 698
Japanese Reading English
ぎょぎょうけん (n) fishing rights/
りょうき(n) fishing season/
ぎょみん(n) fishermen/
ぎょぐ(n) fishing tackle/
ぎょりょう(n) fishing and hunting/
ぎょば(n) fishing grounds/
ぎょか(n) fire for luring fish at night/
りょうしまち fishing village/
漁るあさる(v5r) to fish for/to look for/(P)/
漁撈ぎょろう(n) fishing/
ぎょしょくか lecher/philanderer/
ぎょふのり profiting while others fight/
ぎょぎょうきょうていfisheries agreement/
ぎょしょう(n) reef where fish live and breed/
漁りあさり(n) search/rummaging search/fishing/
ぎょせん(n) fishing boat/(P)/
ぎょぎょうほう (n) Fisheries Act/
ぎょかくりょう (n) haul (catch) (of fish)/
ぎょもう(n) fishing net/(P)/
ぎょほう(n) method of fishing/
ぎょこう(n) fishing harbour/
ぎょかく(n) fishing/catch/haul/(P)/
ぎょかくだか catch of fish/
ぎょき(n) fishing season/
ぎょろう(n) fishing/fishery/
ぎょじょう(n) fishing grounds/(P)/
りょうし(n) fisherman/(P)/
ぎょそん(n) fishing village/(P)/
ぎょぎょうせんかんすいいきexclusive fishing zone/
ぎょか(n) fishing household/
漁りいさりび(n) fire for luring fish at night/
ぎょかくぶつ catch of fish/
ぎょぎょう(n) fishing (industry)/(P)/
ぎょく(n) fishing ground/fishery/
ぎょしょく(n) lechery/debauchery/philandering/
ぎょふ(n) fisher/