漁業権 | ぎょぎょうけん
| (n) fishing rights/ |
漁期 | りょうき | (n) fishing season/ |
漁民 | ぎょみん | (n) fishermen/ |
具 | ぎょぐ | (n) fishing tackle/ |
漁猟 | ぎょりょう | (n) fishing and hunting/ |
漁場 | ぎょば | (n) fishing grounds/ |
漁火 | ぎょか | (n) fire for luring fish at night/ |
漁師町 | りょうしまち
| fishing village/ |
漁る | あさる | (v5r) to fish for/to look for/(P)/ |
漁撈 | ぎょろう | (n) fishing/ |
漁色家 | ぎょしょくか
| lecher/philanderer/ |
漁夫の利 | ぎょふのり
| profiting while others fight/ |
漁業協定 | ぎょぎょうきょうてい | fisheries agreement/ |
漁礁 | ぎょしょう | (n) reef where fish live and breed/ |
漁り | あさり | (n) search/rummaging search/fishing/ |
漁船 | ぎょせん | (n) fishing boat/(P)/ |
漁業法 | ぎょぎょうほう
| (n) Fisheries Act/ |
漁獲量 | ぎょかくりょう
| (n) haul (catch) (of fish)/ |
漁網 | ぎょもう | (n) fishing net/(P)/ |
漁法 | ぎょほう | (n) method of fishing/ |
漁港 | ぎょこう | (n) fishing harbour/ |
漁獲 | ぎょかく | (n) fishing/catch/haul/(P)/ |
漁獲高 | ぎょかくだか
| catch of fish/ |
漁期 | ぎょき | (n) fishing season/ |
漁労 | ぎょろう | (n) fishing/fishery/ |
漁場 | ぎょじょう | (n) fishing grounds/(P)/ |
漁師 | りょうし | (n) fisherman/(P)/ |
漁村 | ぎょそん | (n) fishing village/(P)/ |
漁業専管水域 | ぎょぎょうせんかんすいいき | exclusive fishing zone/ |
漁家 | ぎょか | (n) fishing household/ |
漁り火 | いさりび | (n) fire for luring fish at night/ |
漁獲物 | ぎょかくぶつ
| catch of fish/ |
漁業 | ぎょぎょう | (n) fishing (industry)/(P)/ |
漁区 | ぎょく | (n) fishing ground/fishery/ |
漁色 | ぎょしょく | (n) lechery/debauchery/philandering/ |
漁夫 | ぎょふ | (n) fisher/ |