潤み | うるみ | (n) blur/moisture/opacity/ |
潤沢 | じゅんたく | (adj-na,n) luster/favor/abundance/plenty/ |
潤む | うるむ | (v5m) to be clouded/to be dimmed/to be bleared/to be
wet/to get muddy/(P)/ |
潤す | うるおす | (v5s) to moisten/to
wet/profit/to enrich/to benefit/(P)/ |
潤目 | うるめ | (n) (uk) round herring/ |
潤飾 | じゅんしょく | (n) rhetorical flourishes/(P)/ |
潤滑 | じゅんかつ | (adj-na,n) smoothness/lubrication/ |
潤ける | ふやける | (v1) (uk) to become sodden/to swell up/ |
潤滑剤 | じゅんかつざい
| lubricant/ |
潤い | うるおい | (n) moisture/damp/wetness/gain/profit/(P)/ |
潤色 | じゅんしょく | (n) rhetorical flourishes/(P)/ |
潤んだ目 | うるんだめ | dim eyes/eyes moist with tears/ |
潤目鰯 | うるめいわし | (n) round herring/ |
潤う | うるおう | (v5u) to be moist/to be damp/to get wet/to profit by/to
be watered/to receive benefits/to favor/to charm/to steepen/(P)/ |
潤滑油 | じゅんかつゆ
| (n) lubricating oil/(P)/ |
潤筆料 | じゅんぴつりょう
| (n) fee for writing or painting/ |