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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : チョウ; しお; tide
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2702 Index in Halpern dictionary: 739
Japanese Reading English
しおみず(n) seawater/
しおけ(n) salt air/sea air/
しおま(n) ebb tide/
れるしおたれる(v1) to weep copiously/to grieve/to be dejected/
潮のせるうしおのごとくおしよせるto rush like a flood/to surge/
潮汐ちょうせき(n) tide/
しおざかい(n) point of contact between ocean currents/
しおけむり(n) spray of sea water/
しおあい(n) the tidal hour/a great opportunity/
うしお(n) tide/
しおどき(n) tidal hour/psychological moment/favourable opportunity/(P)/
しおさき(n) rising of the tide/a beginning/
しお(n) tide/ebb and flood/salt water/opportunity/(P)/
しおやけ(n) tanned by the sun and sea breezes/
ちょうりゅう(n) tide/tidal current/trend/(P)/
ちょうさ(n) tidal range/
ちょうかい(n,vs) deliquescence/
しおせ(n) sea current/
しおいり(n) inflow of the tide/
しおあし(n) the speed of the tide/
しおひ(n) low tide/
潮の しおのかんまん ebb and flood/(P)/
ちょうおん(n) (rare) sound of waves/
しおふき(n) (1) spouting of a whale/(2) thin-shelled surf clam/
しおさい(n) sea roar/
潮汲み しおくみ(n) drawing seawater to make salt/
しおかぜ(n) sea breeze/salt air/
ちょうりょくはつでん(n) tidal power generation/
しおひがり (n) shell gathering (at low tide)/clamming/
しおまち(n) waiting for the rising tide or a good opportunity/
潮汐ちょうせきまさつ tidal friction/
ちょうい(n) tide level/
しおじ(n) a tideway/a sea route/
潮汐ちょうせきひょう(n) a tide table/
しおひがり (io) (n) shell gathering (at low tide)/clamming/(P)/