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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ダク; にご(る)、にご(す); unclean
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2710 Index in Halpern dictionary: 774
Japanese Reading English
濁りにごりえ(n) muddy inlet or creek/
だくおん(n) sonant/voiced sound/(P)/
どぶろく(n) unrefined sake/
だくせい(n) thick voice/
だくすい(n) muddy water/
濁 すにごす(v5s) to make muddy/to prevaricate/(P)/
だくてん(n) voiced consonant marks (nigori)/
だくせ(n) this corrupt or degenerate world/
じょくせ(n) (Buddh.) this world or life/the world of mankind/
濁ったにごったよのなか this corrupt world/
濁りにごりざけ(n) unrefined sake/
だみごえ(n) thick voice/
濁ったにごったあたまvague head/
濁る にごる(v5r) to become muddy/to get impure/(P)/
濁り にごり(n) Japanese voiced consonant mark/murky/unclear/
だくりゅう(n) muddy stream/(P)/
濁りにごりみず(n) muddy water/
だくしゅ(n) unrefined sake/
濁りにごりてんvoiced consonant marks/(P)/