The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
炊事 | すいじ | (n) cooking/culinary arts/(P)/ |
炊事場 | すいじば | (n) kitchen/cookhouse/(ship's) galley/ |
炊婦 | すいふ | (n) (female) cook/kitchen maid/ |
炊夫 | すいふ | (n) (male) cook/ |
炊 き込み御飯 | たきこみごはん | (n) rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients/ |
炊出し | たきだし | (n) emergency rice feeding/(P)/ |
炊き出し | たきだし | (n) emergency rice feeding/(P)/ |
炊く | たく | (v5k) to boil/to cook/(P)/ |
炊爨 | すいさん | (n) cooking (rice)/ |
炊き込む | たきこむ | (v5m) to cook (something) with rice/ |
炊飯器 | すいはんき | (n) rice cooker/(P)/ |
炊き込み | たきこみ | (something) cooked with rice/ |