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Kanji: Radical: () : テン; ; point
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 804 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2084
Japanese Reading English
てんか(n,vs) ignition/lighting/set fire to/(P)/
点ずるてんずる(v5z) to drop/to light/to kindle/to make tea/
てんびょう(n) dotting/drawing dots/sketch/
てんじゃ(n) critic of haiku poetry/
てん(n,n-suf) spot/mark/point/dot/(P)/
てんさ(n) point spread/
てんびやく nose drops/
てんとりむし (n) derisive term for a diligent student/
点けるつける(v1) (uk) to turn on/to switch on/to light up/(P)/
てんけんずみ checked up/inspection completed/
点す さす(v5s) to light (a fire)/to apply moxa cautery/
点の がないてんのうちどころ がないbe above reproach/
点くつく(v5k) to catch fire/(electricity) comes on/(P)/
点とてんとせんpoints and lines/
てんがんやく (n) eye drops/
てんとう(n) lighting/
てんかやく (n) priming powders/
てんけん(n,vs) inspection/examination/checking/(P)/
てんやく(n) translating into Braille/
てんすうをかせぐ (exp) to score points with (a person)/
てんちゃ(n) boiling tea (for a tea ceremony)/
てんじpointing out/
てんけい(n) incidental details of a picture/
点るとぼる(v5r) to burn/to be lighted/
てんてきき dropper/
点すともす(v5s) to light/to turn on/(P)/
てんすうきっぷration-point coupon/
てんこ(n) roll-call/muster/(P)/
てんとう(n,vs) nodding/
点々 てんてん(adv,n) here and there/little by little/sporadically/scattered in drops/dot/spot/
てんしん(n) Zen monk's snack/refreshment/cakes/Chinese dessert/
てんめつき (n) electric switch/
てんせん(n) dotted line/perforated line/
てんすう(n) marks/points/score/runs/number of items/credits/(P)/
点綴てんてつ(n) a line (of mountains, islands, houses, etc.)/bound together/
点てたてこむ(v5m) to be crowded/to be busy/
ブロックてんじブロックbumpy tiles set in public areas to mark the path for the blind/
てんやく(n) applying eye drops/
てんかく(n) the strokes of a character/
てんてき(n) falling drop of water/raindrops/intravenous drip/(P)/
点をてんをうつ(exp) to mark with a dot (point)/
てんかき igniter/
てんめつ(n) switching on and off/(P)/
てんてきちゅうしゃintravenous drip infusion/
てんすいwater jug/pitcher/
点睛てんせい(n) adding eyes and other finishing touches to an animal painting/
てんがんすい (n) eye lotion/
てんとり(n) competition for school marks/keeping score/score/