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Kanji: Radical: () : シャ; に(る)、に(える); boil
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2771 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2785
Japanese Reading English
にかえす(v5s) to warm over/
煮えにえかえる(v5r) to seethe/to ferment/to boil over/
にこごり(n) jellied fish or meat broth/
にたつ(v5t,vi) to boil or simmer/
にざかな(n) boiled fish/
にぼし(n) (small crunchy) dried sardines/
がるにあがる(v5r) to boil up/to be thoroughly cooked/
しゃふつしょうどくsterilization by boiling/
めるにつめる(v1) to boil down/to concentrate/(P)/
まるにつまる(v5r) to be boiled down/
しゃふつき (n) scalder/
にじる(n) broth/
にもの(n) food cooked by boiling or stewing/
にだす(v5s) to boil down/to extract/
にこむ(v5m) to cook together/to boil well/(P)/
煮るにる(v1,vt) to boil/to cook/(P)/
にまめ(n) cooked beans/
しゃふつ(n,vs) boiling up/(P)/
にぼし(n) (small crunchy) dried sardines/
にかた(n) way of cooking/a cook/
につけ(n) vegetables or fish boiled in soy sauce/
にたき(n,vs) cooking/
にしめ(n) vegetables such as taros, carrots, konnyaku, etc. cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and water/
めるにしめる(v1) to boil down/
れるにこぼれる(v1) to boil over/
煮えにえくりかえる (v5r) to boil/to seethe/
にこみ(n) stew/hodgepodge/
煮えにえたつ(v5t) to boil/to come to a boil/
煮えるにえる(v1,vi) to boil/to cook/to be cooked/(P)/
煮えにえゆ(n) boiling water/
にだしじる (n) (soup) stock/broth/
煮つめるにつめる(v1) to boil down/to concentrate/
煮え滾るにえたぎる(v5r) to boil/
煮やす にやす(v5s) to cook inside/(P)/
煮えらないにえきらない(adj,exp) half-cooked/vague/halfhearted/indecisive/
てるにたてる(v1,vt) to boil or simmer/
けるにつける(v1) to cook hard/
にくずれ(n) falling apart while cooking/
煮えまされるにえゆをのまさ れる(exp) to be betrayed/
にうりや (n) store selling boiled vegetables, fish, and beans/