父君 | ふくん | (n) father/ |
| ちち | (n) (hum)
father/(P)/ |
父兄 | ふけい | one's parents; guardians |
父無し子 | ちちなしご
| (n) fatherless or illegitimate
child/ |
父母 | ちちはは | (n) father and mother/parents/ |
父老 | ふろう | (n) (village) elder/ |
父祖 | ふそ | (n) ancestors/ |
君 | ちちぎみ | (n) father/ |
父子 | ふし | (n) father and child (son)/(P)/ |
父さん | とうさん | (n) father/(P)/ |
親に代わって言う | ちちおやにかわっていう | (exp) to speak for one's father/ |
父無し子 | ててなしご
| (n) fatherless or illegitimate
child/ |
父兄 | ふけい | (n) guardians/parents and older brothers/(P)/ |
父 | ちち | father (my) |
父上 | ちちうえ | (n) (pol) father/ |
父系 | ふけい | (n) agnate/ |
父御 | ちちご | (n) (another's respected) father/ |
父の代わりとして | ちちのかわりとして | in place of one's father/ |
父御 | ててご | (n) (another's respected) father/ |
父性 | ふせい | (n) paternity/ |
日 | ちちのひ | Father's Day/ |
父母の許 | ふぼのもと
| under one's parents roof/ |
父権 | ふけん | (n) paternal rights/ |
父子家庭 | ふしかてい | (n) motherless family/ |
父母 | ふぼ | (n) father and mother/parents/(P)/ |
父母 | ふぼ | father and mother |
父方 | ちちかた | (n) father's side of family/(P)/ |
父親の威光を笠に着る | ちちおやのいこうをか
さにきる | (exp) to shelter oneself under his fathers
influence/ |
父兄会 | ふけいかい
| (n) parents' association/ |
父親 | ちちおや | (n) father/(P)/ |
性愛 | ふせいあい
| paternal love/ |
父母会 | ふぼかい
| (n) a parents' association/ |