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Kanji: Radical: (いぬ) : ケン、コン; ; offer
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2901 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1785
Japanese Reading English
献饌けんせん(n) food offering to the gods/
けんげん(n,vs) right to speak/offering one's opinion to one's superior/proposal/
けんのうひん donation/contribution/an offering/
けんえい(n) poem offering/
けんていぼん presentation book/(P)/
けんか(n,vs) flower offering/
けんけつ(n,vs) blood donation/(P)/
けんけつしゃ (n) mobile van where blood is collected from donors/
けんけつblood donation
けんぼく(n) donating lumber to a shrine/
けんのうしゃ donor/contributor/
けんちゃ(n) tea offering to the gods/
けんきん(n,vs) donation/contribution/(P)/
けんしん(n) dedication/devotion/
けんさく(n) suggestion/proposal/
献盃けんぱい(n) offering a drink/
けんてい(n) presentation/dedication/
けんぱい(n) offering a drink/
けんじょう(n,vs) presenting to/(P)/
こんだて(n) menu/program/schedule/(P)/
こんだてひょう (n) a menu/
けんしゃくoffering a drink/
けんとう(n) a votive lantern in a shrine or temple/
けんしゅう(n,vs) exchange of sake cups/
けんぽん(n) complimentary copy of a book/
けんけつうんどうa blood drive/
けんもつ(n) an offering/
けんのう(n) offering/presentation/donation/
けんたい(n) give one's body to a hospital for medical research/
けんきんばこ contribution or donation box/
けんしんてき (adj-na) devoted/