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Kanji: Radical: (たま) : ゲン; あらわ(れる)、あらわ(す); appear
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2943 Index in Halpern dictionary: 968
Japanese Reading English
げんせい(n) present (transient) world (Buddhism)/the present age/life/
げんぶつきゅうよsalary paid in kind/
げんないかく present cabinet/
げんだんかい current rank/present grade/
のところげんざいのところat the present time/
げんせ(n) present (transient) world (Buddhism)/the present age/life/
げんぴん(n) the actual article/
現れあらわれ(n) embodiment/materialization/(P)/
現われるあらわれる(v1) to appear/to come in sight/to become visible/to come out/to embody/to materialize/to express oneself/(P)/
げんじつばなれ (n,vs) unreality/becoming disconnected from reality/
げんだか(n) the present amount/amount on hand/
げんきんかきとめregistered mail/
げんちせいさん(n) local production/
げんぜ(n) present (transient) world (Buddhism)/the present age/life/
げんぎょういん (n) a field worker/outside worker/
げんきんじどうあずけば らいきautomatic teller machine/ATM/
げんこうほうき(n) existing laws/regulations now (at present) in force/
げんじつせい (n) realistic/practical/feasible/
げんじてん (n) the present point (i.e. in history)/
げんすう(n) present number/
げんぎょう(n) outdoor (work)/
げんじつかん sense of reality/
げんだいし (n) contemporary history/
げんよう(n) currently used/
げんぶつそうばspot quotations/
げんだいげき (n) contemporary drama/
げんきんせいかcash price/(P)/
げんこうはん (n) flagrante delicto/caught red-handed/
現にげんに(adv) actually/really/(P)/
げんぶつ(n) stocks/products/
げんじだい the present era/
調げんちちょうさ(n) field survey/field work (research)/on-the-spot investigation/
げんこうほう (n) existing law(s)/laws in force/
げんだいぶんめいmodern civilization/
げんたいせいをくつがえす(exp) to overthrow the present regime/
げんしゅつ(n) appearance/emergence/
げんじょういじ(n) maintenance of the status quo/
げんぞん(n) living/existing/Real Presence/extant/
げんにん(n) present post/
げんぞう(n,vs) developing (film)/(P)/
げんきんばらい paying cash/(P)/
現われあらわれ(n) embodiment/materialization/(P)/
げんざいかんりょうじ present perfect tense/
げんせい(n) current state/present or actual strength/
げんちほうこくon-the-spot report/
げんだい(adj-no,n-adv,n) nowadays/modern times/present-day/(P)/
げんだいばん (n) modern version (e.g. of Italian Renaissance architecture)/
げんじつてき (adj-na) realism/pragmatic/
現ずるげんずる(v5z) to appear/to reveal/to show/
現れるあらわれる(v1) to appear/to come in sight/to become visible/to come out/to embody/to materialize/to express oneself/(P)/