The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
由有る | よしある | of rank/of noble birth/ |
由来書 | ゆらいしょ | history/memoirs/ |
由来を尋ねる | ゆらいをたずねる | (exp) to inquire into the origin/ |
由無き | よしなき | meaningless/senseless/absurd/ |
由 | よし | (n) reason/significance/cause/(P)/ |
由緒 | ゆいしょ | (n) history/pedigree/lineage/(P)/ |
由由しい | ゆゆしい | (adj) grave/serious/alarming/ |
由々しい | ゆゆしい | (adj) grave/serious/alarming/ |
由無し事 | よしなしごと | (n) trivial thing/nonsense/ |
由来 | ゆらい | (adv,n,vs) origin/source/history/derivation/reason/destiny/(P)/ |
由縁 | ゆえん | (n) acquaintance/relation/affinity/reason/ |