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Kanji: Radical: () : チョウ; まち; town
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2995 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1113
Japanese Reading English
ちょうぶ(n) hectare (2.471 acres)/
ちょうそんがっぺいmerger of towns and villages/
まちすじ(n) street/
町はずれ まちはずれ(n) outskirts of town/
ちょうかい(n) town council/
ちょうせい(n) town organization/town administration/
ちょうか(n) house in the middle of a town/merchant's family/
ちょうせい(n) town organization/town administration/
ちょうそんせい (n) municipal system/
町をまちをつらぬくみち road passing through the town/
まち(n) town/street/road/(P)/
ちょうみん(n) townspeople/(P)/
まちtown, city
ちょうめい(n) name of a town or street/
町をまちをとおる(exp) to pass through town/
まちかど(n) street corner/(P)/
ちょうないかい (n) neighborhood association/
ちょうそん(n) towns and villages/
ちょうない(n) the block/the street/the neighborhood/the town/(P)/
まちなみhouses on the street
ちょうたんせぶunits of square measure (for rice fields, forests, etc)/
まちなみ(n-t) (look of) stores and houses on street/street (of stores and houses)/(P)/
まちぶぎょう (n) (Edo-period) town magistrate/
ちょうちょう(n) town headman/
ちょうにんもの (n) novels or plays about the merchant class/
ちょうにん(n) merchant/(P)/
まちこうば (n) small factory in town/backstreet (small) workshop/
まちこうじょう (n) small factory in town/backstreet (small) workshop/
町のちょうのほうしん town policies/
まちいしゃ (n) physician in private practice/
町へまちへいく(exp) to go to town/
ちょうりつ(adj-no,n) established by the town/
まちやくにん (n) municipal official/
まちなか(n) downtown/(P)/
ちょうぎかい (n) town council/
まちなみ(n-t) (look of) stores and houses on street/street (of stores and houses)/(P)/
まちかた(n) town/
まちやくば (n) town hall/
まちどうじょう (n) martial arts school situated in a town/
まちはずれ(n) outskirts/(P)/
ちょうりつmunicipal, operated by a town