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Kanji: Radical: () : リュウ、ル; と(める)、と(まる); stay
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3003 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2580
Japanese Reading English
るすちゅう during absence from home/
りゅうち(n) detainment/imprisonment/poundage/
とめどなく (adv) endlessly/ceaselessly/
留めとめおく(v5k) to detain/to keep/to lock up/to retain/to leave (letter) till called for/
留めとめかなぐ buckle/
りゅうがく(n) studying abroad/(P)/
留めとめがね(n) clasp/snap fastener/
りゅうちょう(n) nonmigratory bird/
りゅうほ(n) reserving/withholding/
留めとめぐ(n) latch/clasp/
留 めるとめる(v1) to fasten/to turn off/to detain/(P)/
るすい (n) caretaker or keeper (official post in the Edo era)/
留めとめおき(n) detention/
りゅうねん(n,vs) repeating the same class (school)/staying more than two years in the same class/(P)/
留め とめおとこ(n) tout/arbitrator/
りゅうい(n) heed/
留めとめばり(n) pin/
留め袖 とめそで(n) tomesode/woman's ceremonial kimono/
りゅうにん(n,vs) remaining (staying) in office/remaining at one's post/
りゅういん(vs) gloating/satisfaction/
りゅうがくせい (n) overseas student/(P)/
りゅうべつ(n) farewell to those staying behind/
留まるとどまる(v5r) (1) to be fixed/(2) to abide/to stay (in the one place)/
とめがね(n) clasp/snap fastener/
りゅうちじょう (n) police cell/place of detention/
るすでん (n) answering machine/
りゅうがくせい foreign student
るすばん (n,vs) care-taking/caretaker/house-watching/(P)/
留めとめゆ(n) one's own bath/yesterday's bath water/
るすばんでんわ answering machine/
るす(n) absence/being away from home/(P)/
るすたく (n) house where the family is out/
留めとめやま(n) mountain where logging is prohibited/
留めとめだて(n) restrain (someone)/restraint/
便とめおきゆうびんmail held at the post office/
留めるとどめる(v1) to stop/to cease/to put an end to/(P)/
留めとめ(n,suf) stopping/remaining (e.g. poste-restante)/
留めとめやく(n) abitrator/
留まる とまる(v5r) (1) to be fixed/(2) to abide/to stay (in the one place)/(P)/