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Kanji: Radical: (やまいだれ) : ; つか(れる); tired
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3040 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3278
Japanese Reading English
疲れつかれきる(v5r) to be exhausted/to be tired out/
疲らすつからす(v5s) to tire/to weary/to exhaust/to fatigue/(P)/
疲れつかれはてbeing tired out/
疲 れつかれ(n) tiredness/fatigue/(P)/
ひろう(n,vs) fatigue/weariness/(P)/
ひろうこんぱい (n) total exhaustion/
疲れるつかれるget tired
ひへい(n) exhaustion/impoverishment/ruin/(P)/
疲れつかれめeye strain/
疲れた つかれたworn-out (as opposed to sleepy)/
ひろうかん (n) tired feeling/
疲れるつかれる(v1) to get tired/to tire/(P)/
疲れてるつかれはてる(v1) to get tired out/to be exhausted/(P)/