The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
疲れ切る | つかれきる | (v5r) to be exhausted/to be tired out/ |
疲らす | つからす | (v5s) to tire/to weary/to exhaust/to fatigue/(P)/ |
疲れ果て | つかれはて | being tired out/ |
疲 れ | つかれ | (n) tiredness/fatigue/(P)/ |
疲労 | ひろう | (n,vs) fatigue/weariness/(P)/ |
疲労困憊 | ひろうこんぱい | (n) total exhaustion/ |
疲れる | つかれる | get tired |
疲弊 | ひへい | (n) exhaustion/impoverishment/ruin/(P)/ |
疲れ目 | つかれめ | eye strain/ |
疲れた | つかれた | worn-out (as opposed to sleepy)/ |
疲労感 | ひろうかん | (n) tired feeling/ |
疲れる | つかれる | (v1) to get tired/to tire/(P)/ |
疲れ果てる | つかれはてる | (v1) to get tired out/to be exhausted/(P)/ |