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Kanji: Radical: (はつがしら) : ハツ、ホツ; ; start
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3092 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2565
Japanese Reading English
はっぷ(n,vs) proclamation/promulgation/
はつどうき (n) engine/
はつびょう(n) attack (disease)/(P)/
はっけん(n,vs) (bank)note issuing/
はつばいきんしprohibition of sale/
はつじょうき (n) the mating season/
発勁はっけい(MA) release internal power/
はっこうじょ (n) publishing house/publishing office/
はつご(n) speech/utterance/
はっしゃやく propellant/
はっぽう(n,vs) firing/discharge of gun/(P)/
はついくざかり period of rapid growth/
はっしょう(n) origin/appearance of auspicious omen/(P)/
はっぽう(n) foaming/(P)/
はっちゃくじょ (n) landing place for steamers/
はっこうしょ (n) publishing house/publishing office/
ほっき(n) proposal/resolution/
はっこうしじょうissue market/
はっしん(n) dispatch/transmission/(P)/
はつよう(n,vs) exalting/raising/enhancing/rousing up/
はっぽうざい (n) foaming agent/
ほっきにん (n) originator/promoter/(P)/
はっせいりつ frequency/rate of occurrence/
発がんはつがんせい(n) carcinogenic/cancer causing/
はっぷん(n,vs) inspired/stimulated/roused/(P)/
はっしゅつ(n,vs) issue/sending out/
はっかん(n) airplane taking off from a warship/
はつでんしょ (n) power plant/(P)/
発疹はっしん(n) rash/eruption/
はっしん(n) oscillation/
はっしょくげんしょう(n) (color) development/coupling/
はったつしんりがく developmental psychology/
はっしんがわ sender/transmitter/
はっしんおん tone/beep/
はっこうがいしゃissuing company (of a credit card, e.g.)/
はっせいきかん(n) vocal organs/
はつばいび day something goes on sale/date of issue/
はっそう(n) start (of a race)/first race/
発疹ほっしん(n) rash/eruption/
はっけんしゃ discoverer/
はっせい(n,vs) outbreak/spring forth/occurrence/incidence/origin/(P)/
ダイオードはっこうダイオード(n) light emitting diode/LED/
はつおんきごうphonetic symbol/
はつげん(n) utterance/speech/proposal/(P)/
はっそう(n) expression (music)/conceptualization/(P)/
はつでんき (n) dynamo/power generator/
はつば(n) start (of a horse race)/
はっしん(n) departure/takeoff/
はっしょく(n) coloring/
はっかいしき opening ceremony/