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Kanji: Radical: (はつがしら) : ト、トウ; のぼ(る); climb
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3094 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2595
Japanese Reading English
とうきりょう registration fee/
とはん(n) climbing a slope (hill)/ascending a hill/
とうちょう(n,vs) climbing to the summit/
とうせん(n) becoming a saint/death of a high-ranking person/
とうじょう(n,vs) entry (on stage)/(P)/
とうりゅうもん (n) gateway to success/opening to honours/
とうこう(n,vs) climbing up/
とざんぐつ (n) (mountain-)climbing boots/
とうりん(n) climbing to a high spot/ascending the throne/
とうばん(n,vs) taking the plate/pitching a game/
とざんしゃ mountain climber/mountaineer/
とうきしょ (n) registry office/
とうき(n,vs) registry/registration/(P)/
とざんぐち (n) place where an ascent to a mountain is made/
とうろくばんごう(n) registration number/
とうよう(n,vs) appointment/assignment/promotion/(P)/
とうちょう(n,vs) attending a government office/
簿とうろくぼ directory/
登るのぼるto climb
登りめるのぼりつめる(v1) to go to the top/to be engrossed in/
とざんてつどう(n) mountain railway/
とざんでんしゃ(n) mountain railway/
とうか(n) passing the civil service examination/
とざん(n,vs) mountain-climbing/(P)/
登るのぼる(v5r) to climb/(P)/
登りのぼりぐち(n) starting point (for a mountain ascent)/
とうだい(n) passing the examination/
とうだん(n,vs) going on a platform/
とざんぼう climber's hat/
とういん(n) attendance at the House (Diet)/
とうろくしょうひょうregistered trademark/tm/
とうこう(n,vs) attendance (at school)/(P)/
とうきばんごうらん registry number column/
とうろう(n,vs) going up a tower/going into a tall building/visiting a brothel/
とざんか mountain climber/mountaineer/
登りのぼり(n) ascent/climbing/
とうろくずみ registered/
とはんしゃせん(n) (climbing) lane for slower traffic/
とうさい(n,vs) register/record/printing/
とうろくりょう (n) registration fee/
とうろくしゃ (n) registrant/
とうきょく(n) (Imperial) accession/
とうろく(n,vs) registration/register/entry/record/(P)/
とじょう(n) attendance at a castle/
とうじょうじんぶつthe characters (in a play or novel)/
登攀とうはん(n) climbing/scaling/ascending/
とざんきゃく mountain climber/
とうろくずみ registered/