百万 | ひゃくまん | (n) 1,000,000/one million/(P)/ |
百面相 | ひゃくめんそう
| (n) life's many phases/ |
百夜 | ももよ | (n) a hundred nights/ |
百舌鳥 | もず | (n) shrike (type of bird)/butcher bird/ |
百万遍 | ひゃくまんべん
| million times/praying a million
times/ |
百億 | ひゃくおく | 10,000,000,000/ten billion (American)/ten milliard
(British)/ |
百弊 | ひゃくへい | (n) all evils/ |
方 | ひゃっぽう | (n-adv,n-t) in every way/ |
百舌 | もず | (n) shrike (type of bird)/butcher bird/ |
百日紅 | さるすべり
| (n) crape myrtle/ |
百戦百勝 | ひゃくせんひゃくしょう
| (n) ever-victorious/many successful
campaigns/invincibility/ |
百態 | ひゃくたい | (n) various phases/ |
百雷 | ひゃくらい | (n) hundred thunderclaps/ |
百年目 | ひゃくねんめ
| (n) the hundredth year/doomed/ |
百戦練磨 | ひゃくせんれんま | (n) be schooled by adversity in many
battles/veteran/ |
百歩譲る | ひゃっぽゆずる
| (v5) to be unwilling but to give
in/ |
百出 | ひゃくしゅつ | (n,vs) arise in great numbers/ |
百万長者 | ひゃくまんちょうじゃ | (n) millionaire/multimillionaire/ |
百聞 | ひゃくぶん | (n) hearing a hundred times/ |
百行 | ひゃっこう | (n) all acts/ |
百合根 | ゆりね
| (n) lily bulb/ |
百済 | くだら | ancient Korean kingdom/ |
百 | ひゃく | (num) 100/hundred/(P)/ |
百足 | むかで | (gikun) (n) centipede/ |
百害 | ひゃくがい | (n) great damage/ |
百戦錬磨 | ひゃくせんれんま | (n) be schooled by adversity in many
battles/veteran/ |
百景 | ひゃっけい | 100 famous views/ |
百八の鐘 | ひゃくはちのかね
| night-watch bell/bells tolling out the old
year/ |
百合の木 | ゆりのき
| tulip tree/ |
百花繚乱 | ひゃっかりょうらん
| (n) many flowers blooming in profusion/a
gathering of many beautiful women/simultaneous emergence of many talents and
achievements/ |
百万言 | ひゃくまんげん
| (n) saying something many times/ |
百色眼鏡 | ひゃくいろめがね | kaleidoscope/ |
百科全書派 | ひゃっかぜんしょは
| (n) the Encyclopedists/ |
百発百中 | ひゃっぱつひゃくちゅう
| (n) always hitting the
bull's-eye/infallible/ |
百人一首 | ひゃくにんいっしゅ | (n) 100 poems by 100 famous poets/(playing) cards of one
hundred famous poems/ |
百鬼夜行 | ひゃっきやぎょう | (n) a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people
plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene/ |
百家争鳴 | ひゃっかそうめい | (n) Let a hundred schools of thought
contend/ |
百花 | ひゃっか | (n) all varieties of flowers/many flowers/ |
百匁 | ひゃくめ | five-sixths of a pound/ |
百難 | ひゃくなん | all obstacles/all sorts of trouble/ |
百分率 | ひゃくぶんりつ
| (n) percentage/ |
百点 | ひゃくてん | hundred points/perfect mark/ |
百姓一揆 | ひゃくしょういっき
| peasant's revolt/ |
百薬の長 | ひゃくやくのちょう
| sake/ |
| ひゃく | hundred |
百科辞典 | ひゃっかじてん | (n) encyclopedia/(P)/ |
百計 | ひゃっけい | (n) all means/ |
葉箱 | ひゃくようばこ
| (n) Stevenson screen (louvre-sided box housing
for meteorological gauges)/ |
百世 | ひゃくせい | long era/ |
百年 | ひゃくねん | century/hundred years/ |