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Kanji: Radical: (しろ) : カイ; みな; all
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2471 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2445
Japanese Reading English
かいきしょく (n) total eclipse (of sun by moon)/totality/
みなごろし(n) massacre/annihilation/wholesale slaughter/
かいむ(adj-na,n) nothing/(P)/
かいへいせいどsystem of universal conscription/
かいき(n) total eclipse/totality/
みんな(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/
かいきげっしょく(n) total eclipse of the moon/
かいのう(n) full payment of a tax/
かいきしょく(n) total eclipse (of sun by moon)/totality/
かいきんしょう reward or prize for perfect attendance/
みなさま(n) everyone/(P)/
かいきん(n) perfect attendance/(P)/
かいへい(n) universal conscription/
皆皆みなみなさま(n) Ladies and Gentlemen!/all of you/everyone/
かいさい(n) settlement/(P)/
皆さんみなさん(n) everyone/(P)/
みな(adv,n) all/everyone/everybody/(P)/
かいきにっしょく(n) total solar eclipse/
皆さんみなさんall of you, ladies and gentlemen
かいもく(adv) entirely/(P)/
かいでん(n) initiation into an art or discipline/