着物 | きもの | a kimono |
着任 | ちゃくにん | (n,vs) take up a new post/ |
着陸地点 | ちゃくりくちてん | landing zone/point of landing/ |
着眼点 | ちゃくがんてん
| (n) a viewpoint/ |
着底 | ちゃくてい | (vs) reaching the bottom/ |
着替える | きがえる | (v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/ |
着駅 | ちゃくえき | (n) destination station/arriving station/ |
着火点 | ちゃっかてん
| (n) ignition point/ |
着生植物 | ちゃくせいしょくぶつ | an epiphyte/plant which grows on another/ |
着床 | ちゃくしょう | (n,vs) implantation/ |
着初め | きぞめ | (n) first wearing (of new clothes)/ |
着席 | ちゃくせき | (n,vs) sit down/seat/(P)/ |
着衣 | やくい | (n) one's clothes/ |
着氷 | ちゃくひょう | (n) icing (on a plane)/ice accretion/ |
着水 | ちゃくすい | (n,vs) landing on the water/ |
着ける | つける | (v1) to arrive/to wear/to put on/(P)/ |
着物 | きもの | (n) kimono/(P)/ |
工 | ちゃっこう | (n) start of (construction) work/ |
着心 | きごころ | feeling of clothes/ |
着意 | ちゃくい | (n) caution/conception/idea/ |
着心地 | きごこち
| (n) (good or bad) feel when wearing
something/ |
着換える | きかえる | (v1) to change one's clothes/ |
着尺 | きじゃく | (n) standard length of material used in a
kimono/ |
着帯 | ちゃくたい | (n,vs) wearing a maternity belt/ |
着手 | ちゃくしゅ | (n,vs) embarkation/launch/(P)/ |
着 | ちゃく | (n,suf) counter for suits of clothing/arriving at
../(P)/ |
着映え | きばえ | (n) (clothes which) look good on a person/ |
着流し | きながし | (n) dressing casually/ |
着雪 | ちゃくせつ | (n) accretion of snow/ |
着直す | きなおす | (v5) to change clothes/ |
着払 | ちゃくばらい | (n) C.O.D. postage/ |
着太り | きぶとり | (n) (clothes which) make one look fat/ |
着服 | ちゃくふく | (n) dressing oneself/embezzlement/(P)/ |
着替える | きかえる | (v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/ |
着た切り雀 | きたきりすずめ | (n) owning nothing except the clothes on one's
back/ |
着荷 | ちゃくに | (n) arrival of goods/ |
着古す | きふるす | (v5s) to wear out (clothing)/ |
着電 | ちゃくでん | (n) reception of a telegram/ |
着帽 | ちゃくぼう | (n,vs) putting on ones hat/ |
着道楽 | きどうらく
| (n) having a weakness for fine
clothes/ |
着る | きる | put on,
wear |
着船 | ちゃくせん | (n) arrival of a ship/ship which has
arrived/ |
着く | つく | reach,
arrive |
着色 | ちゃくしょく | (n) colouring/coloring/(P)/ |
着払い | ちゃくばらい | (n) payment on delivery/ |
着弾距離 | ちゃくだんきょり | in (gunshot) range/ |
着衣 | ちゃくい | (n) one's clothes/ |
着飾る | きかざる | (v5r) to dress up/(P)/ |
着せる | きせる | (v1) to put on clothes/(P)/ |
着膨れ | きぶくれ | (n) bundling up (in layers of clothes)/ |