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Kanji: Radical: (ひつじ) : チャク; き(る)、き(せる)、つ(く)、つ(ける); arrival
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3665 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3316
Japanese Reading English
きものa kimono
ちゃくにん(n,vs) take up a new post/
ちゃくりくちてんlanding zone/point of landing/
ちゃくがんてん (n) a viewpoint/
ちゃくてい(vs) reaching the bottom/
えるきがえる(v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/
ちゃくえき(n) destination station/arriving station/
ちゃっかてん (n) ignition point/
ちゃくせいしょくぶつan epiphyte/plant which grows on another/
ちゃくしょう(n,vs) implantation/
きぞめ(n) first wearing (of new clothes)/
ちゃくせき(n,vs) sit down/seat/(P)/
やくい(n) one's clothes/
ちゃくひょう(n) icing (on a plane)/ice accretion/
ちゃくすい(n,vs) landing on the water/
着けるつける(v1) to arrive/to wear/to put on/(P)/
きもの(n) kimono/(P)/
ちゃっこう(n) start of (construction) work/
きごころfeeling of clothes/
ちゃくい(n) caution/conception/idea/
きごこち (n) (good or bad) feel when wearing something/
えるきかえる(v1) to change one's clothes/
きじゃく(n) standard length of material used in a kimono/
ちゃくたい(n,vs) wearing a maternity belt/
ちゃくしゅ(n,vs) embarkation/launch/(P)/
ちゃく(n,suf) counter for suits of clothing/arriving at ../(P)/
きばえ(n) (clothes which) look good on a person/
きながし(n) dressing casually/
ちゃくせつ(n) accretion of snow/
きなおす(v5) to change clothes/
ちゃくばらい(n) C.O.D. postage/
きぶとり(n) (clothes which) make one look fat/
ちゃくふく(n) dressing oneself/embezzlement/(P)/
えるきかえる(v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/
着たり雀きたきりすずめ(n) owning nothing except the clothes on one's back/
ちゃくに(n) arrival of goods/
きふるす(v5s) to wear out (clothing)/
ちゃくでん(n) reception of a telegram/
ちゃくぼう(n,vs) putting on ones hat/
きどうらく (n) having a weakness for fine clothes/
着るきるput on, wear
ちゃくせん(n) arrival of a ship/ship which has arrived/
着くつくreach, arrive
ちゃくしょく(n) colouring/coloring/(P)/
ちゃくばらい(n) payment on delivery/
ちゃくだんきょりin (gunshot) range/
ちゃくい(n) one's clothes/
きかざる(v5r) to dress up/(P)/
着せるきせる(v1) to put on clothes/(P)/
きぶくれ(n) bundling up (in layers of clothes)/