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Kanji: Radical: (いし) : ; みが(く); polish
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 5393 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3181
Japanese Reading English
磨くみがくto polish, to rub up, to burnish, to brush, to improve
まもう(iK) (n,vs) wear/abrasion/
磨きみがき(n) polish/improvement/burnishing/
磨きみがきがみemery paper/
磨りわせるすりあわせる(v1) to fit by rubbing together/
まそん(n) wear and tear/
磨れるすれる(iK) (v1) to rub/to chafe/to wear/to become sophisticated/
磨くみがく(v5k) to polish/to shine/to brush/to refine/to improve/(P)/
まけんし (n) emery paper/
まめつ(iK) (n,vs) defacement/abrasion/wear and tear/crushing of a nerve/
磨りすりくずす(v5) to rub to pieces/
磨りすりけす(v5) to erase/to efface/
ませいせっきground stoneware/
磨りすりくだく(v5k) to rub to pieces/to grind into powder/
磨り潰すすりつぶす(v5s) to pulverize/to mash/to deface/to lose a fortune/
磨ぐとぐ(v5g) to sharpen/to grind/to scour/to hone/to polish/to wash (rice)/
磨りすりだす(v5s) to polish/
磨 きてるみがきたてる(v1) to polish (up)/dress up/
磨淬まさいpolishing one's sword or talents or knowledge/
磨りらすすりへらす(v5s) to wear away/to rub down/to abrade/
磨きげるみがきあげる(v1) to polish up/to shine up/(P)/
とぎしる(n) water that has been used to wash rice/
磨きみがきずな(n) polishing sand/
磨きみがきこ(n) polishing powder/
磨りガラスすりガラス(n) ground glass/