禁断 | きんだん | (n) prohibition/interdiction/ |
禁中 | きんちゅう | (n) court/Imperial Palace or household/ |
禁錮 | きんこ | (n) confinement/imprisonment/ |
禁衛隊 | きんえいたい
| imperial guards/ |
禁則 | きんそく | (n,vs) prohibition/ |
禁ずる | きんずる | (v5z) to forbid/to suppress/(P)/ |
禁煙 | きんえん | no smoking |
禁足 | きんそく | (n) confinement/ |
慾 | きんよく | (n)
abstinence/self-control/ |
禁欲主義 | きんよくしゅぎ | stoicism/asceticism/ |
禁猟区 | きんりょうく
| (n) game preserve/wildlife
sanctuary/ |
禁書 | きんしょ | (n) prohibited book or literature/ |
禁輸品 | きんゆひん
| contraband (goods)/ |
禁欲主義者 | きんよくしゅぎしゃ
| stoic/ascetic/ |
禁漁 | きんりょう | (n) prohibition of fishing/ |
禁圧 | きんあつ | (n) suppression/ |
欲 | きんよく | (n) abstinence/abnegation/ |
禁じる | きんじる | (v1) to prohibit/(P)/ |
禁衛 | きんえい | (n) protecting the emperor/ |
禁制 | きんせい | (n) prohibition/ban/embargo/(P)/ |
禁を解く | きんをとく | (exp) to lift (remove) a ban/ |
禁欲的 | きんよくてき
| abstemious/(P)/ |
禁反言 | きんはんげん
| (n) estoppel (patents)/ |
禁鳥 | きんちょう | (n) legally protected bird/ |
禁止法 | きんしほう
| (n) negative statute/law against
something/ |
禁令 | きんれい | (n) prohibition/ban/embargo/ |
禁裏 | きんり | (n) Imperial Palace or residence/ |
禁漁区 | きんりょうく
| (n) game preserve/wildlife
sanctuary/ |
禁酒 | きんしゅ | (n) prohibition/temperance/abstinence/(P)/ |
禁猟 | きんりょう | (n) No Hunting!/(P)/ |
禁制品 | きんせいひん
| (n) contraband (goods)/prohibited
goods/ |
禁裏様 | きんりさま
| (n) the emperor/ |
禁を犯す | きんをおかす | (exp) to break the prohibition (law)/to violate the
ban/ |
禁札 | きんさつ | (n) signboard bearing a prohibition notice/ |
禁止 | きんし | (n,vs) prohibition/ban/(P)/ |
禁裡 | きんり | (n) the imperial residence/ |
禁治産者 | きんちさんしゃ | (n) (legally) incompetent individual/ |
禁句 | きんく | (n) taboo word/(P)/ |
禁猟期 | きんりょうき
| (n) closed season for fishing or
hunting/ |
禁断の木の実 | きんだんのこのみ | (n) forbidden fruit/ |
禁漁期 | きんりょうき
| (n) closed season for fishing or
hunting/ |
禁輸 | きんゆ | (n) embargo/ |
禁固 | きんこ | (n) imprisonment/ |
禁酒法 | きんしゅほう
| (n) Prohibition Law/ |
禁教 | きんきょう | (n) prohibited religion/ |
禁忌 | きんき | (n) taboo/ |
禁煙席 | きんえんせき
| (n) nonsmoking section/ |
禁物 | きんもつ | (n) taboo/forbidden thing/(P)/ |
禁煙車 | きんえんしゃ
| (n) non-smoking car/ |
禁所 | きんしょ | (n) place of confinement/ |