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Kanji: Radical: (しめす) : フク; ; fortune
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3256 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1029
Japanese Reading English
寿ふくじゅ(n) long life and happiness/
ふくすけ(n) large-headed dwarf statue, bringer of good luck/
福福しいふくぶくしい(adj) (plump and) happy-looking/
ふくみみ(n) plump ears, said to bring good fortune/
ふくうん(n) happiness and good fortune/
ふくいんきょうかいEvangelical Church/
ふくりこうせいwelfare program/
ふくそう(adj-na,n) happy-looking/
ふくじんづけ (n) vegetables pickled in soy sauce/
ふくしこっかwelfare state/(P)/
寿ふくじゅそう (n) (a) pheasant's eye/
ふくし(n) welfare/well-being/(P)/
ふくとく(n) fortune/happiness and prosperity/
ふくり(n) welfare/
福岡ふくおかけんprefecture on the island of Kyuushuu/
ふくいん(n) Gospel/Word of God/(P)/
ふくいんしょ (n) the Gospels/
福禄寿ふくろくじゅ(n) tall headed god of happiness, wealth, and long life/
ふくしじむしょ welfare office/
ふくしききassistive products, e.g. wheel chairs, hearing aids, etc./
ふ く(n) good fortune/(P)/
ふくしまけん prefecture in the Touhoku area/
ふくしじぎょう(n) welfare work/
ふくびき(n) lottery/tombola/drawing/(P)/
ふくいけん prefecture in the Hokuriku area/
ふくびき(n) lottery/tombola/drawing/
ふくぶくろ(n) "lucky-dip" bag/a grab bag/a "mystery package" (containing a variety of articles supposedly worth more in total than the purchase price)/
ふくわらい(n) game like "pin the tail on the donkey"/
ふくりひょう compound interest table/