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Kanji: Radical: (のぎ) : ; わたくし、わたし; I
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3265 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1115
Japanese Reading English
しこう(n) one's own thoughts or opinion (polite)/
ししょばこ(n) post office box (POB)/
私も亦わたしもまたme too/I also/
しぶんしょ (n) private document/
私たちわたしたち(n) we/us/(P)/
しかん(n) personal impression/
ししつ(n) private room/(P)/
やすしふくをこやす (v5) to fill one's own pocket by taking advantage of a position/
しじゅく(n) private school (in house)/(P)/
私たちわたくしたち(n) we/us/
しか(n) private house/one's own house/
私娼ししょう(n) unlicensed prostitute/
しご(n) whispering/secret talk/
しりつ(n) private (establishment)/(P)/
しき(n) private records or documents/
しだい(n) (abbr) private university or college/
ししょうせつ (n) novel narrated in the first person/
しひ(n) private expense/(P)/
わたくしじしん myself/(P)/
しえき(n) private interest (financial)/
しせい(n) private/
してつそうれん(abbr) General Federation of Private Railway Workers Unions of Japan/
しこん(n) personal grudge/
しえい(n) privately operated/private management/
わたくしりつ(n) private (establishment)/
しあん(n) private plan/one's own plan/
しこう(n) personal conduct/
しかしゅう (n) private or personal collection (of poetry)/
しり(n) personal profit/self interest/
しぞう(n) private collection/
しよう(adj-no,n) personal use/private business/(P)/
しせいじ (n) illegitimate child/
わたし(adj-no,n) I/myself/private affairs/(P)/
ししん(n) selfishness/selfish motive/
わたくしごと(n) personal affairs/
しほう(n) secret information/private message/
しいん(n) personal seal/
しろん(n) one's personal opinion or views/
しけい(n) lynching/
しきょく(n) an act done for one's own benefit/
しざい(n) private property/
しじ(n) personal affairs/(P)/
しがくじょせいsubsidization of private schools/
わたくしぎ(n) as for me/
私する わたくしする(vs-s) to think only of oneself/to possess oneself/
しぎ(n) personal opinion/criticism behind one's back/
しどう(n) private road/
ししん(n) private message/