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Kanji: Radical: (のぎ) : ゼイ; ; tax
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3287 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1191
Japanese Reading English
ぜいもく(n) items of taxation/
ぜいり(n) tax collector/tax official/
ぜいりし (n) tax counsellor/(P)/
ぜいべつかかくprice without tax included/
ぜいびきまえとうきりえ きincome before taxes/gross income/
ぜいむ(n) taxation business/
ぜいげん(n) a tax source/
ぜいこみ(n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary)/
ぜいきんしんこくtax return/
ぜいかんちょう chief customs inspector/
調ぜいせいちょうさかい Select Committee on the Taxation System/
ぜいかんしんこくしょ (n) customs declaration/
ぜいきん(n) tax/duty/(P)/
税をめるぜいをおさめる(exp) to pay a tax/
ぜいこみ(n) tax included (e.g. price)/before tax (e.g. salary)/
ぜいしゅう(n) tax yields/revenue/
調ぜいちょう(n) Tax Commission/
ぜいせいかいかくtax reform/
ぜいべつ(n) tax not included (in price)/tax separate/
ぜいきんひなんち (n) a tax haven/
ぜいがく(n) amount of tax/
ぜいりつ(n) tariff/tax rate/
ぜいかんり customs officer/
ぜいむしょ (n) tax office/(P)/
ぜいむかん a tax official/a revenue officer/
ぜいほう(n) taxation law/
ぜいかん(n) customs house/(P)/
ぜいびき(n) tax excluded/
けるぜいきんをかける (exp) to place a tax on/
ぜいせい(n) tax system/(P)/