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Kanji: Radical: (あな) : ソウ; まど; window
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3326 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2294
Japanese Reading English
まどぎわぞく (n) useless employees (shunted off by a window to pass their remaining time until retirement)/
まどぎわ(n) (at the) window/(P)/
まどわく(n) window frame/sash/(P)/
まどべ(n) by the window/
まど(n) window/(P)/
まどぎわのせき window-side seat/(P)/
しにまどごしにover the window sill/
まどぐち(n) ticket window/(P)/
まどあかり(n) light coming in or leaking through a window/
まどかけ(n) curtains/
そうがい(n) outside a window/