筆先 | ふでさき | (n) tip of brush/(P)/ |
筆紙 | ひっし | (n) brush and paper/description/ |
筆写略字 | ひっしゃりゃくじ | handwritten abbreviation (of kanji)/ |
筆頭者 | ひっとうしゃ
| (n) head of a family/first name on a
list/ |
筆付き | ふでつき | (n) brushwork/ |
不精 | ふでぶしょう
| (adj-na,n) poor correspondent/ |
筆致 | ひっち | (n) literary style/stroke of the
brush/touch/ |
筆を擱く | ふでをおく | (exp) to stop
writing/to lay down one's pen/ |
筆記試験 | ひっきしけん | written examination/(P)/ |
筆記帳 | ひっきちょう
| (n) notebook/ |
筆順 | ひつじゅん | (n) stroke order/(P)/ |
筆者 | ひっしゃ | (n) writer/author/(P)/ |
筆端 | ひったん | (n) tip of a brush or pen/(force of a) writing
style/ |
筆 | ふで | (n) writing
brush/(P)/ |
筆禍 | ひっか | (n) troubles brought on by what one has
written/ |
筆ペン | ふでペン | (n) calligraphy
pen/ |
筆力 | ひつりょく | (n) strength of the brush stroke/power of the
pen/ability to write/ |
筆才 | ひっさい | (n) literary talent/ |
筆舌 | ひつぜつ | (n) written and spoken words/description/ |
筆を揮う | ふでをふるう | (v5) to drive a quill (pen)/to wield the writing
brush/ |
筆法 | ひっぽう | (n) style of penmanship/ |
筆記体 | ひっきたい
| (n) cursive style/ |
筆生 | ひっせい | (n) copyist/amanuensis/ |
筆立て | ふでたて | (n) pen or brush stand/ |
筆を寝かせて書く | ふでをねかせてかく
| (exp) to write with one's brush
slanted/ |
筆を執る | ふでをとる | (exp) to pen/to write/to draw/ |
筆舌に尽くし難い | ひつぜつにつくしがたい | be beyond description/ |
筆箱 | ふでばこ | (n) pencil box/ |
| ひっちゅう | (n)
written denunciation/ |
筆遣い | ふでづかい | (n) brushwork/ |
塚 | ふでづか | (n) mound covering reverently buried old
brushes/ |
筆触 | ひっしょく | (n) feel of a brush or pen/ |
筆名 | ひつめい | (n) alias/pseudonym/pen name/nom de plume/(P)/ |
筆跡鑑定 | ひっせきかんてい | handwriting analysis/ |
筆勢 | ひっせい | (n) stroke (dash) of the pen/(force of)
brushwork/ |
筆太 | ふでぶと | (adj-na,n) a bold hand/ |
筆記者 | ひっきしゃ
| copyist/ |
筆記 | ひっき | (n,vs) (taking) notes/copying/(P)/ |
筆陣 | ひつじん | (n) (lineup of authors engaged in a) war of
words/ |
筆を置く | ふでをおく | (exp) to stop writing/to put down one's pen/to close (a
letter)/ |
筆墨 | ひつぼく | (n) stationery/pen and ink/writing
materials/ |
筆鋒 | ひっぽう | (n) power of the
pen/ |
筆旁 | ふ
でずくり | brush radical/fudezukuri/ |
筆算 | ひっさん | (n) calculating on paper/ |
筆を折る | ふでをおる | (exp) to break off writing/ |
筆圧 | ひつあつ | (n) strength of a brushstroke/ |
筆答 | ひっとう | (n) written response/ |
筆洗 | ふであらい | (n) brush cleaner/brush cleaning/brush
washing/ |
筆が立つ | ふでがたつ | good writer/wielding a facile pen/ |
筆洗 | ひっせん | (n) brush cleaner/brush cleaning/brush
washing/ |