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Kanji: Radical: (たけ) : キン; すじ; muscle
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3395 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2678
Japanese Reading English
きんりょく(n) physical strength/
すじがき(n) synopsis/outline/plot/(P)/
きんでんず (n) an electromyogram (EMG)/
きんこつ(n) muscles (sinews) and bones/structure/
きんにくつう (n) muscular pain/
きんにくちゅうしゃintramuscular injection/
すじあい(n) reason/right/
きんえんinflammation of a muscle/myositis/
すじかい(n) diagonal/oblique/brace/
すじがね(n) a metal reinforcement/
すじみち(n) reason/logic/thread/method/system/(P)/
筋腫きんしゅ(n) (a) myoma/
きんにくろうどうphysical or manual labor/
かいすじむかい(n) diagonally opposite/
すじめ(n) fold/crease/lineage/pedigree/
すじたてplot (of a story)/
きんにくしつ (n) muscularity/
すじぼね(n) muscles (sinews) and bones/structure/
すじあい(n) reason/right/
きんにく(n) muscle/sinew/(P)/
すじちかい(adj-na,n) cramp/sprain/illogical/intersection/
すじ(n) muscle/string/line/stripe/plot/plan/sinew/(P)/
きんむりょくしょう(n) myasthenia/
筋萎 きんいしゅくしょう (n) muscular dystrophy/
すじがねいり (n) staunch/hardcore/dyed-in-the-wool/
きんちゅうintramuscular injection/
すじばる(v5r) to become sinewy/to behave formally/
すじこ(n) (salted) salmon roe/
すじちがい(adj-na,n) cramp/sprain/illogical/intersection/(P)/