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Kanji: Radical: (たけ) : セツ、セチ; ふし; season, joint
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3402 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2691
Japanese Reading English
せちぶん(n) holiday for end of winter (Bean Throwing Night)/
節々ふしぶし(n) joints/points (of a speech)/
せっしょく(n,vs) eating lightly (to save money, food, calories, etc.)/
せっそくどうぶつ(n) arthopods/
せっせい(n) moderation/self-restraint/temperance/
ぶし(n-suf) tune/tone/knot/knob/point/
ふしおり(n) made of knotted silk/
せっくばたらき (n) working on a day off (to make up for lost time, or to make an impression)/
せつよう(n) economization/
せっきじまいend-of-year settling of accounts/
せっき(n) end of year or season/year end/
節するせっする(vs-s) to be moderate of/to save/to curtail/
せってん(n) node/
せっしゅ(n,vs) temperance/sobriety/moderation in drink/
ふしまわし(n) melody/intonation/
節節ふしぶし(n) joints/points (of a speech)/
せっすい(n) conservation of water/
ふしいと(n) knotted silk/
せつど(n) moderation/standard/
節榑ふしくれだつ(v5t) to be knotty or gnarled/
せつげん(n,vs) retrenchment/curtailment/economy/
せっく(n) seasonal festival/(P)/
せつよく(n) abstinence/
せっけん(n) economy/thrift/(P)/
せっき(n) 24 divisions of the solar year/24 terms used to denote the changing of the seasons/
せつぎ(n) fidelity to principle/
せつやく(n,vs) economising/saving/(P)/
節榑ふしくれ(n) knotty wood or tree/
せっぷ(n) chaste or faithful wife/
ふしめ(n) a knot/a turning point/
せつ(n) node/section/occasion/time/(P)/
せっそくどうぶつもん Arthropoda/
ふしづけ(n) setting to music/composition/
せつようしゅう (n) a Muromachi era Japanese dictionary/
せっぱくend of the year/
せつぶん(n) holiday for end of winter (Bean Throwing Night)/
のっとknot/nautical mile per hour/
せっかい(adj-na,n) untimely interference/
せちえ(n) (rare) seasonal court banquet/
せつぜい(n) tax reduction/
せつまい(n) conserving rice/
せつえん(n) moderation in smoking/
せっそう(n) constancy/integrity/honor/chastity/(P)/
節くれだったふしくれだった rough and bony/
せったんき coal (fuel) economizer/
ふし(n) joint/knuckle/tune/melody/(P)/
せっそう(n) rhythm/
せっく(n) seasonal festival/
ふしあな(n) knothole/
せつでん(n) brownout/conservation of electricity/