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Kanji: Radical: (こめ) : セイ、ショウ; ; spirit
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3480 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1366
Japanese Reading English
せいしんりょうほう(n) psychotherapy/
せいしんのび mental charm/moral beauty/
しょうじゃ(n) temple/monastery/convent/
せいとう(n) refined sugar/sugar refining/
せいいつ(adj-na,n) purity/
ミサイルせいみつゆうどうミサイルprecision guided missile/
せいのう(n) hard-working farmer or agriculturalist/
せいどう(n) refined copper/
しょうじんりょうりstyle of vegetarian cuisine/
せいせん(n) careful selection/(P)/
せいはくまい (n) polished rice/
精嚢せいのう(n) seminal vesicle/
せいさ(n) close investigation/careful examination/
精緻せいち(adj-na,n) delicate/minute/subtle/
せいき(n) (mind and) spirit/life energy/vitality/essence/
せいせいひん (n) refined or finished goods/
せいさんしょ (n) statement of accounts/
せいし(n) sperm/
せいしんあんていざい tranquilizer/
せいしんてき (adj-na) mental/emotional/
せいさい(n) brilliance/vividness/
せいしんこうぞう(n) one's mental make-up (structure)/
せいしんいじょうしゃ psychotic/
せいしんはくじゃくじ (n) mentally-handicapped (retarded) child/weak-minded child/
せいそ(n) fineness or coarseness/minuteness or roughness/
せいみつ(adj-na,n) precise/exact/detailed/minute/close/(P)/
せいはく(n) refining/polishing (of rice)/
せいしんじょうたい(n) mental condition/state of mind/mentality/
せいれんしょ refinery/smelting works/(P)/
せいつう(n,vs) acquaintance/having knowledge/being expert/being versed in/conversant/(P)/
せいまい(n) polished rice/
せいはく(n) (abbr) mental retardation/mentally retarded/
せいまいじょ (n) rice(-cleaning) mill/
せいしんはくじゃくしゃ feeble-minded (weak-minded) person/mentally deficient person/
せいりょく(n) energy/vigor/vitality/(P)/
精がきるせいがつきる(exp) to be exhausted/one's energy is gone/
せいいっぱい (n-adv) with all one's might/(P)/
精をらすせいをもらす(exp) to have an involuntary emission of semen/
せいすい(n) purity/unselfishness/(P)/
しょうじんおち first meal (including meat or fish) taken after a period of abstinence)/
しょうじん(n) concentration/diligence/devotion/purification/(P)/
せいしんかんていpsychiatric examination/
精精せいぜい(adv) at the most/at best/to the utmost/as much (far) as possible/
せいとう(adj-na,n) meticulous/
せいばく(n) polished barley or wheat/
せいみつきかい(n) precision instrument or machine/
精々せいぜい(adv) at the most/at best/to the utmost/as much (far) as possible/(P)/
しょうじんあげ (n) vegetable tempura/
せいれんじょ refinery/smelting works/
せいはくじ (abbr) mentally-handicapped (retarded) child/weak-minded child/