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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ヤク; ; promise
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3499 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1280
Japanese Reading English
やくじょうしょ (n) written contract/
約をわすやくをかわす(exp) to exchange promises/
やくひゃくまねんapproximately one million yen/
やくすう(n) (a) measure/
やくだく(n) agreement/promise/
やくはんねん (exp) approximately half a year/
やくじょうずみ promised/
やくはんぶん approximately half/(P)/
やっかん(n) agreement/stipulation/article/clause/(P)/
やくそくのとおり as promised/true to one's promise/
やく(adv,n) approximately/about/some/(P)/
やくそく(n,vs) arrangement/promise/(P)/
やくじょう(n) agreement/stipulation/contract/
やくて(n) promissory note/
やくそくごと (n) promise/
えるやくそくをちがえる (exp) to break a promise/
やくぶん(n) reduction of a fraction (to lowest terms)/
やくそくてがたpromissory note/
やくそくpromise, appointment
やくげん(n) summary/contraction/verbal agreement/
やくそくにそむく (exp) to break one's promise/