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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ノウ、ナン、ナ、トウ; おさ(める)、おさ(まる); pay
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3508 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1300
Japanese Reading English
のうひん(n,vs) delivery of goods/
のうぜいしんこくincome tax return/
納めるおさめる(v1) to obtain/to reap/to pay/to supply/to accept/(P)/
のうかい(n) the last meeting (of the year, the term, etc)/
なや(n) shed/barn/outhouse/(P)/
のうふしゃ (n) payer/
なっとう(n) natto (fermented soybeans)/(P)/
のうきょう(n) copying and presentation of a sutra (to a temple)/
なっしょ(n) temple office (for receiving offerings or donations)/(historical) office for storing land taxes/
のうこつどう (n) crypt/charnel house/
のうぜい(n) payment of taxes/(P)/
のうほん(n) delivery of books/presentation copy/
のうぜいがく amount of tax due/
なんど(n) back room/closet/storage room/
納采のうさい(n) betrothal gift/
のうふきげん(n) deadline for payment/
のうふきん contribution/
のうじゅ(n,vs) acceptance/reception/
なっとく(n,vs) consent/assent/understanding/agreement/comprehension/grasp/(P)/
のうさつ(n) votive card or tablet/
なんどいろ (n) grayish-blue/
のうはい(n) last cup (at a banquet)/
のうきん(n) payment/
のうぜいつうちしょ (n) tax notice/
のうりょう(n) (enjoying the) cool of the evening/
のうぜいしゃ taxpayer/
のうふ(n,vs) payment/supply/
のうにゅう(n,vs) payment/supply/(P)/
納まるおさまる(v5r) to be obtained/to end/to settle into/to fit into/to be settled/to be paid/to be delivered/(P)/
のうひんしょ (n) statement of delivery/
のうかん(n,vs) placing of body in coffin/(P)/
のうき(n) appointed day of delivery/time for payment/
のうふしょ (n) statement of payment (delivery)/
のうこつ(n,vs) laying (a person's) ashes to rest/depositing ashes/
納まらないおさまらないfeel grieved/be unsatisfied/