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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : フン; まぎ(れる)、まぎ(らす)、まぎ(らわす)、まぎ(らわしい); confused
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3506 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1296
Japanese Reading English
紛れまぎれ(n) confusion (suff)/
紛らわしいまぎらわしい(adj) confusing/misleading/equivocal/ambiguous/(P)/
ふんぎ(n) dissension/
紛ら わしいまぎらわしいなまえ confusing (misleading) name/
ふんそう(n) dispute/trouble/strife/(P)/
ふんしつ(n,vs) losing something/(P)/
紛らすまぎらす(v5s) to divert/to distract/(P)/
紛れるまぎれる(v1) to be diverted/to slip into/(P)/
ふんらん(n,vs) confusion/disorder/
ふんこつさいしん(iK) (n) making one's best exertions/
紛れまぐれ(n) fluke/chance/(P)/
紛れまぎれこむ(v5m) to disappear into/to slip into/to be lost in/to be mixed up with/
ふんしつとどけ (n) report of the loss of (that one has lost) an article/
ふんぜん(adj-na,n) confusion/disorder/
紛擾ふんじょう(n) disturbance/trouble/dispute/
ふんきゅう(n) complication/confusion/disorder/(P)/
紛れたりまぐれあたり(n) lucky shot/fluke/
紛らわすまぎらわす(v5s) to divert/to distract/(P)/
紛紛ふんぷん(adj-na,n) confusion/scattering/