素っ首 | そっくび | (n) head/ |
素数 | そすう | (n) prime numbers/ |
素早く | すばやく | quickly/nimbly/agilely/ |
素っ裸 | すっぱだか | (adj-no,n) stark naked/in ones bare
skin/penniless/ |
素養 | そよう | (n) elementary attainments/ |
素気ない | そっけない | (adj) cold/short/curt/blunt/ |
素絹 | そけん | (n) coarse silk/ |
材 | そざい | (n) raw materials/subject matter/(P)/ |
素人芝居 | しろうとしばい | (n) amateur theatricals/amateur dramatic
performance/ |
素首 | そくび | (n) head/ |
素描 | そびょう | (n) rough sketch/(P)/ |
素封家 | そほうか
| (n) wealthy person or family/ |
素麺 | そうめん | (n) fine white noodles/ |
素語り | すがたり | (n) reciting without samisen accompaniment/ |
素っ頓狂 | すっとんきょう | (adj-na,n) wild/in
disarray/harum-scarum/hysteric/ |
素人 | しろうと | (n) amateur/novice/(P)/ |
素体 | そたい | prime field/ |
素因 | そいん | (n) basic factor/ |
素姓 | すじょう | (n)
birth/parentage/lineage/background/identity/ |
素性 | すじょう | (n) birth/lineage/origin/identity/history/ |
素直 | すなお | (adj-na,n)
obedient/meek/docile/unaffected/(P)/ |
素地 | そじ | (n) foundation/ |
片 | そへん | (n) fragments/chips/materials/ |
素寒貧 | すかんぴん
| (adj-na,n) penniless/dire
poverty/pauper/ |
素人筋 | しろうとすじ
| (n) lay public/ |
素焼 | すやき | (n) bisque (fired pottery)/ |
素浪人 | すろうにん
| (n) poor or lowly masterless
samurai/ |
素振り | すぶり | (n) thrusting a (wooden) sword downward from a starting
position above one's head/ |
素足 | すあし | (n) bare feet/ |
粒子加速器 | そりゅうしかそくき | particle accelerator/ |
素通り | すどおり | (n,vs) passing through without stopping/passing
by/ |
素懐 | そかい | (n) a cherished hope/ |
素反応 | そはんのう
| elementary reaction/ |
素形材産業 | そけいざいさんぎょう
| forges and foundries/ |
素人芸 | しろうとげい
| (n) amateur's skill or
performance/ |
素敵な | すてきな | fine, nice, wonderful |
素因数 | そいんすう
| (n) prime factor/ |
素読 | そどく | (n) reading without comprehending/ |
素子 | そし | (n) element/data/ |
素顔 | すがお | (adj-na,n) face with no make-up/unpainted
face/honest/frank/(P)/ |
素振り | そぶり | (n) behavior/manner/attitude/bearing/ |
素通し | すどおし | (n) transparent/plain (glass or glasses)/ |
素粒子 | そりゅうし
| (n) elementary particle/particle
(physics)/(P)/ |
素知らぬ顔 | そしらぬかお
| pretending not to recognize/feigned
ignorance/ |
素樸 | そぼく | (adj-na,n)
simplicity/artlessness/ |
素肌 | すはだ | (n) bare (naked) body/complexion (e.g.,
face)/ |
素焼き | すやき | (n) bisque (fired pottery)/ |
素っ破抜く | すっぱぬく
| (v5k) to expose/ |
素志 | そし | (n) longstanding desire or goal/ |
素っ気ない | そっけない | (adj) cold/short/curt/blunt/ |