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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ルイ; ; cumulate
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3006 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2585
Japanese Reading English
るいじょうこん (n) radical root/
るいはんしゃ repeat offender/
るいけい(n) total/(P)/
累累た るるいるいたる(adj-t) in heaps/
累累るいるい(adj-na,n) in heaps/
るいしんぜい (n) progressive tax/
るいげん(n) regressive/
るいせき(n) accumulation/(P)/
るいねん(n-t) successive years/
るいさのんどcumulative temperature/anthropoid/
るいげんぜい (n) regressive taxation/
るいか(n) acceleration/progressive increase/(P)/
るいさん(n) total/
るいじつ(n-t) many days/
るいしん(n) successive promotion/gradual promotion/graduated/(P)/
るいはん(n) repeated offense/
るいだい(n-t) successive generations/
るいじ(n-adv,n-t) successive/repeated/
るいせきあかじaccumulated deficit/
るいぞう(n) sucessive or progressive increases/cumulative increase/
るいしんかぜいprogressive taxation/graduated taxation/
るいげつ(n-t) a number of months/
累々るいるい(adj-na,n) in heaps/
るいせい(n-t) successive generations/
るいじょう(n) raising a number to a power/