累乗根 | るいじょうこん
| (n) radical root/ |
累犯者 | るいはんしゃ
| repeat offender/ |
累計 | るいけい | (n) total/(P)/ |
る | るいるいたる | (adj-t)
in heaps/ |
累累 | るいるい | (adj-na,n) in
heaps/ |
累進税 | るいしんぜい
| (n) progressive tax/ |
累減 | るいげん | (n) regressive/ |
積 | るいせき | (n) accumulation/(P)/ |
累年 | るいねん | (n-t) successive years/ |
累算温度 | るいさのんど | cumulative temperature/anthropoid/ |
累減税 | るいげんぜい
| (n) regressive taxation/ |
累加 | るいか | (n) acceleration/progressive increase/(P)/ |
累算 | るいさん | (n) total/ |
累日 | るいじつ | (n-t) many days/ |
進 | るいしん | (n) successive promotion/gradual
promotion/graduated/(P)/ |
累犯 | るいはん | (n) repeated offense/ |
累代 | るいだい | (n-t) successive generations/ |
累次 | るいじ | (n-adv,n-t) successive/repeated/ |
累積赤字 | るいせきあかじ | accumulated deficit/ |
累増 | るいぞう | (n) sucessive or progressive increases/cumulative
increase/ |
累進課税 | るいしんかぜい | progressive taxation/graduated taxation/ |
累月 | るいげつ | (n-t) a number of months/ |
累々 | るいるい | (adj-na,n) in heaps/ |
累世 | るいせい | (n-t) successive generations/ |
累乗 | るいじょう | (n) raising a number to a power/ |