絞る | しぼる | (v5r) to press/to wring/to squeeze/(P)/ |
絞殺 | こうさつ | (n) hanging/strangulation/(P)/ |
絞める | しめる | (v1) to strangle/to constrict/(P)/ |
絞首 | こうしゅ | (n) hanging/strangling to death/ |
絞り | しぼり | (n) iris (camera, eye)/ |
絞首刑 | こうしゅけい
| (n) death by hanging/(P)/ |
絞り出す | しぼりだす | (v5s) to squeeze or wring out/ |
絞罪 | こうざい | (n) execution by hanging/hanging/ |
絞首台 | こうしゅだい
| (n) gallows/ |
絞り取る | しぼりとる | (v5r) to squeeze or wring out from/ |
絞り上げる | しぼりあげる | (v1) (1) to squeeze (to the utmost)/to wring/(2) to
strain one's voice/(3) to scold/ |
絞め殺す | しめころす | (v5s) to strangle to death/ |
絞り染め | しぼりぞめ | (n) tie-dye/ |
| しまる | (v5r) to be
strangled/to be constricted/(P)/ |