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Kanji: 綿 Radical: (いと) : メン; わた; cotton
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3566 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1373
Japanese Reading English
綿めんじつゆ (n) cottonseed oil/
綿わたつみ (n) sea/
綿綿たるめんめんたる(adj-t) continuous/endless/
綿めんみつ(adj-na,n) minute/detailed/careful/scrupulous/thorough/(P)/
綿めんせいひん made of cotton/cotton goods/
綿わたゆみ(n) tool for willowing cotton/
綿めんし(n) cotton yarn (thread)/
綿のわたのみcotton seed/
綿わたつみ(n) picking cotton/
綿めんぼう(n) cotton swab/
綿 めんかやく (n) guncotton/cotton powder/
綿飴わたあめ(n) cotton candy/fairy floss/
綿めんぷ(n) cotton cloth/cotton material/(P)/
綿わたいれ(n) padded/
綿わたうち(n) cotton beating/
綿わたあぶら(n) cottonseed oil/
綿わたぼうし (n) bride's silk floss headdress/
綿わたがし (n) cotton candy/
綿めんぼう(n) cotton spinning/
綿わたくり(n) cotton ginning/
綿わたぐも(n) fleecy clouds/
綿めんよう(n) sheep/
綿わたげ(n) down/fuzz/fluff/
綿わた(n) cotton/padding/(P)/
綿わたゆき(n) large snowflakes/
綿わたぬき(n) unpadded kimono/
綿めんおりもの (n) cotton fabrics/cotton textiles/(P)/
綿めんか(n) raw cotton/cotton wool/
綿綿めんめん(adj-na,n) unbroken/endless/
綿埃わたぼこり(n) dustballs/fluff/
綿めんおりもの (n) cotton fabrics/cotton textiles/
綿めん(n) raw cotton/(P)/
綿をめんをいとにつむぐ (exp) to spin cotton into yarn/
綿めんもう(n) down/fuzz/fluff/