綿実油 | めんじつゆ
| (n) cottonseed oil/ |
綿津見 | わたつみ
| (n) sea/ |
綿綿たる | めんめんたる | (adj-t) continuous/endless/ |
綿密 | めんみつ | (adj-na,n)
minute/detailed/careful/scrupulous/thorough/(P)/ |
綿製品 | めんせいひん
| made of cotton/cotton goods/ |
綿弓 | わたゆみ | (n) tool for willowing cotton/ |
綿糸 | めんし | (n) cotton yarn (thread)/ |
綿の実 | わたのみ | cotton seed/ |
綿摘み | わたつみ | (n) picking cotton/ |
綿棒 | めんぼう | (n) cotton swab/ |
火薬 | めんかやく
| (n) guncotton/cotton powder/ |
綿飴 | わたあめ | (n) cotton candy/fairy floss/ |
綿布 | めんぷ | (n) cotton cloth/cotton material/(P)/ |
綿入れ | わたいれ | (n) padded/ |
綿打ち | わたうち | (n) cotton beating/ |
綿油 | わたあぶら | (n) cottonseed oil/ |
綿帽子 | わたぼうし
| (n) bride's silk floss headdress/ |
綿菓子 | わたがし
| (n) cotton candy/ |
綿紡 | めんぼう | (n) cotton spinning/ |
綿繰り | わたくり | (n) cotton ginning/ |
綿雲 | わたぐも | (n) fleecy clouds/ |
綿羊 | めんよう | (n) sheep/ |
綿毛 | わたげ | (n) down/fuzz/fluff/ |
綿 | わた | (n) cotton/padding/(P)/ |
綿雪 | わたゆき | (n) large snowflakes/ |
綿抜き | わたぬき | (n) unpadded kimono/ |
綿織り物 | めんおりもの
| (n) cotton fabrics/cotton
textiles/(P)/ |
綿花 | めんか | (n) raw cotton/cotton wool/ |
綿綿 | めんめん | (adj-na,n) unbroken/endless/ |
綿埃 | わたぼこり | (n) dustballs/fluff/ |
綿織物 | めんおりもの
| (n) cotton fabrics/cotton
textiles/ |
綿 | めん | (n) raw
cotton/(P)/ |
綿を糸に紡ぐ | めんをいとにつむぐ
| (exp) to spin cotton into yarn/ |
綿毛 | めんもう | (n) down/fuzz/fluff/ |
綿実 | めんじつ | cottonseed/ |