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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ソウ; ; total
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3567 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1379
Japanese Reading English
そうり(n) president/leader/prime minister/(P)/
そうしゅうにゅう (n) total income/
そうだか(n) total amount/
そうい(n) consensus of opinion/
そうりょう(n) aggregate amount/
そうさい(n) president/(P)/
そうたい(adv,n) the whole/originally/
そうひぎょう (n) a general strike/
そうすい(n) commander/leader/(P)/
そうかつ(n) synthesis/recap/generalize/(P)/
そうごうてき (adj-na) synthetic/
そうしはいにん(n) general manager/
そうどういん (n) general mobilization/
そうとく(n) governor-general/(P)/
そうほんざん (n) (Buddh.) head temple of a sect/(organizational) headquarters/
そうわ(n) sum total/
そうかいや (n) extortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings/
総捲りそうまくり(n) general overview/
そうらん(n) superintendence/control/
そうむぶちょうchief of the general affairs department (bureau)/chief of the executive section/
そうかいをながす (exp) to call off a general meeting/
そうしき supreme command/direction over all/
そうけん(n) observing a performance in a large group/
そうほんてん head office/
そうしょ(n) series (of publications)/library (of literature)/
そうふ(n) a full musical score/
そうりだいじんPrime Minister/(P)/
そうしさん total assets/
そううりあげ total sales/total proceeds/
そうそく(n) general rules/
そうりょうじ (n) consul general/
そうがわfull-leather/leather-bound (book)/
そうがわfull-leather/leather-bound (book)/
そうひょう(n) (abbr) General Council of Trade Unions of Japan/
そうあげ(n) hiring a number of geisha for an entertainment/
そうかん(n) inspector general/commissioner/(P)/
そうりょく(n) total energy/all efforts/
そうがく(n) sum total/total amount/(P)/
そうりょうじかん(n) consulate-general/
そうりふ (n) Prime Minister's office/
そうむ(n) general business (affairs)/manager/director/adjutant general (mil)/
そうみ(n) one's whole body/
そうごうしょうしゃa general trading company/
そうじんこう total population/
そうししゅつ total expenditures/
そうしれいかん(n) supreme commander/
そうほんけ (n) head family/main branch of a school or religion/
そうごうげいじゅつcomposite art/
そうりょくせん (n) all-out war/
そうごうざっしgeneral-interest magazine/