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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : エン; ふち; relation
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3585 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1386
Japanese Reading English
えんこ(n) relation/connection/affinity/
えんぐみ(n) betrothal/wedding/marriage/alliance/
ふちかざりedging/a frill/
えんつづき(n) a relative/
ふちぎれborder strip/
えんきり(n) separation/divorce/severing of connections/
えんむすび(n) marriage/marriage tie/love knot/
えんか(n) related family/
えんじゃ(n) relative/
えんきりでら (n) (historic) a temple in which women seeking release from marriage could take refuge/
えんがわ(n) veranda/porch/balcony/open corridor/(P)/
えんにち(n) temple festival/fair/
縁がえんがないhave no relation to/
えんぎなおし (n) change of fortune/trying to change one's luck/
縁るふちどる(v5r) to (add a) border or fringe/
縁をえんをきる(exp) to get a divorce/to sever connections/
えんご(n) associated word/
縁がないえんがないhave no relation to/
えんにちしょうにんfestival vendor/
えんだい(n) bench/
えん(n) chance/fate/destiny/relation/bonds/connection/karma/
えんざ(n) (system of) extending complicity for a crime to the criminal's family members/
えんさき(n) veranda edge/
よすが(n) a means, e.g. of living/
えんづく(v5k) to marry/
縁戚 えんせき(n) a relative/
えんぐみ(n) betrothal/wedding/marriage/alliance/
えんぺん(n) edge/relative/relations/border/
縁がえんがとおいdistantly related/
けるえんづける(v1) to marry off/to give in marriage/
えんだん(n) marriage proposal/engagement/(P)/
調えるえんだんをととのえ る(exp) to arrange a marriage/
えんさだめ(n) marriage contract/
ふちどり(n) hemming/bordering/
ふちどる(v5r) to (add a) border or fringe/
縁のえんのしたのちからもち(n) unsung hero/person who does a thankless task/
えんどおい(adj) late marriage/little prospect of marriage/
えんぎ(n) omen/(P)/
ゆかり(n) (uk) related to (some place)/
ふち(n) (surrounding) edge/(P)/
縁のえんのしたunder the floor/out of sight/in background/
えんぎもの (n) talisman/lucky charm/
えんせき(n) curb (stone)/