縦縞 | たてじま | (n) vertical stripes/striped fabric/ |
縦隊 | じゅうたい | (n) (military) column/ |
縦隔 | じゅうかく | (n) mediastinum/ |
断 | じゅうだん | (n,vs) flying through/cutting across/(P)/ |
縦貫 | じゅうかん | (n) running through/traversal/ |
縦波 | たてなみ | (n) longitudinal wave/ |
縦覧 | じゅうらん | (n,vs) inspection/ |
縦割り | たてわり | (n) dividing vertically/ |
縦横無尽 | じゅうおうむじん | (adj-na,n) freely/right and left/as one
pleases/ |
縦揺れ | たてゆれ | (n) (with respect to an earthquake) vertical
shake/pitching/ |
縦横 | たてよこ | (n) length and width/every direction/warp and woof/right
and left/vertically and horizontally/length and breadth/(P)/ |
縦 | たて | (n) length/height/(P)/ |
縦軸 | たてじく | (n) vertical axis/vertical line/ |
縦線 | じゅうせん | (n) vertical line/(P)/ |
縦社会 | たてしゃかい
| vertically structured society/ |
縦結び | たてむすび | (n) vertical or granny knot/ |
縦組み | たてぐみ | (n) vertical typesetting/ |
縦書 | たてがき | (n) vertical writing/(P)/ |
縦旋盤 | たてせんばん
| vertical turning lathe/VTL/ |
縦糸 | たていと | (n) (weaving) warp/ |
縦走 | じゅうそう | (n,vs) traverse/walk along the ridge/ |
縦坑 | たてこう | (n) shaft/ |
縦長 | たてなが | (adj-na,n) oblong/vertical writing style, e.g. on
envelopes/ |
縦書き | たてがき | (n) vertical writing/(P)/ |
縦列 | じゅうれつ | (n) column/file/ |
笛 | たてぶえ | (n) recorder (the musical instrument)/ |
縦陣 | じゅうじん | (n) (military) column/ |
縦横 | じゅうおう | (n) length and width/every direction/warp and woof/right
and left/vertically and horizontally/length and breadth/(P)/ |
縦穴 | たてあな | (n) pit/shaft/ |