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Kanji: Radical: (いと) : ソウ; く(る); reel
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 19 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3619 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1427
Japanese Reading English
くりこし(n) balance brought forward/a transferred amount (of money)/
繰るくる(v5r) to reel/to wind/(P)/
くりごと(n) tedious talk/repetition/complaint/
繰りくりこむ(v5m) to march in/to transfer/to send/
繰りくりかえしふごうrepetition symbol/repetition of the previous character/
繰りくりこみりろんrenormalization theory/
そうしき silk reeling machine/
繰りくりいれきん money transferred/
繰りげるくりひろげる(v1) to unfold/to roll out/to develop/to spread out/
繰りくりかえす(v5s) to repeat/to do something over again/(P)/
繰りげるくりひろげる(v1) to unfold/to open/
繰りせるくりよせる(v1) to draw towards/
繰りべるくりのべる(v1) to postpone/to defer/
繰りくりこみ(n) (uk) renormalisation (physics)/
繰りがるくりさがるto move back/to postpone/to borrow (in math)/
繰りくりこみぐん renormalisation group (physics)/
繰りくりもどす(v5s) to put back/
繰りくりあげとうせんwin an election due to another's death or disqualification/
くりかえしふごうrepetition symbol/repetition of the previous character/
くりかえし(n,vs) cyclic/repeated/cycle/repeat/
繰りえるくりかえる(v1) to exchange/
繰りれるくりいれる(v1) to transfer/to add/
繰りくりのべ(n) postponement/
べるくりのべる(v1) to postpone/to defer/
繰り綿くりわた(n) spun cotton/
繰 りくりいれ(n) (a) transfer/
繰りくりど(n) sliding door/
繰りくりごと(n) tedious talk/repetition/complaint/(P)/
繰りし梯くりだしばしご extension ladder/
繰りがるくりあがる(v5r) to move up (date or rank)/
繰りくりあげ(n) upward move/advance/
繰りくりかえし(n) repetition/reiteration/
繰りくりだす(v5s) to draw (a thread)/to sally forth/to send out/
繰りくりこす(v5s) to carry forward (i.e. on a balance sheet)/to transfer/
繰りくりこしきん (n) balance carried forward/
繰りわせるくりあわせる(v1) to arrange/to manage (to find time)/
繰りげるくりあげる(v1) to move up/to advance/(P)/
繰りわすくりあわす(v5s) to make time/to arrange matters/
繰りくりこし(n) balance brought forward/a transferred amount (of money)/
繰りげるくりさげる(v1) to transfer/to D/
繰りくりまわす(v5s) to roll over (debt)/
繰りくりとるto reel off/