The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary
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Kanji: Radical: (あみがしら) : ; ; silk gauze
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 19 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3654 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2622
Japanese Reading English
羅紗らしゃがみ(n) flock paper/
らしんばん (n) compass/(P)/
らしん(n) compass needle/(P)/
羅紗らしゃ(pt:) (n) felt (pt: raxa)/woollen cloth/
羅萄らぽにちじてんLatin-Portuguese-Japanese dictionary/
らしんばんざ(n) (the constellation) Pyxis/
らしんぎ (n) compass/
らかん(n) arhat/Lohan/achiever of Nirvana/
らお(n) Laos/bamboo pipestem/
らしょうもん (n) Rashomon (the film)/
らう(n) Laos/bamboo pipestem/
られつ(n,vs) enumeration/(P)/
らほくcompass north/
らほうい compass bearing/