群羊 | ぐんよう | (n) flock of sheep/collection of weaklings/ |
群体 | ぐんたい | (n) colony (biology)/ |
群雄 | ぐんゆう | (n) rival chiefs/ |
群舞 | ぐんぶ | (n) dancing in groups/ |
群居る | むれいる | (v1) to crowd in/to come together/ |
群れる | むれる | (v1) to crowd/to flock/to swarm/(P)/ |
群峰 | ぐんぽう | (n) (the many peaks of a) mountain range/ |
群青 | ぐんじょう | (n) ultramarine/ |
議 | ぐんぎ | (n) multitude of opinions/ |
群馬県 | ぐんまけん
| prefecture in the Kantou area/ |
群棲 | ぐんせい | (n) living gregariously/ |
群衆 | ぐんしゅう | (n) (social)
group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/ |
像 | ぐんぞう | (n) sculptured group/(P)/ |
群れ集まる | むれあつまる | (v5) to gather in large groups/ |
群れ遊ぶ | むれあそぶ | (v5b) to play in a group/ |
群集 | ぐんしゅう | (n) (social)
group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/ |
発地震 | ぐんぱつじしん | swarm earthquakes/ |
群 | ぐん | (n,n-suf) group (math)/(P)/ |
群伝搬時間 | ぐんでんぱんじかん
| (n) group delay (in fibre optics)/ |
群臣 | ぐんしん | (n) a crowd or large number of one's retainers or
subjects/ |
群居 | ぐんきょ | (n) gregariousness/ |
群雀 | むらすずめ | (n) flock of sparrows/ |
群立ち | むらだち | standing in a group/standing up in unison/ |
群れ | むれ | (n) group/crowd/flock/herd/bevy/school/swarm/cluster (of
stars)/clump/(P)/ |
群集心理 | ぐんしゅうしんり | (n) mass or mob psychology/ |
群論 | ぐんろん | (n) group theory/theory of groups/ |
群発 | ぐんぱつ | (n) repeated occurrence/ |
群雄割拠 | ぐんゆうかっきょ | (n) rivalry of local warlords/a number of powerful
(talented, influential) persons standing by themselves in a given
field/ |
群集行動 | ぐんしゅうこうどう | crowd behavior/ |
落 | ぐんらく | (n) many communities (villages)/cluster of
plants/ |
群速度 | ぐんそくど
| (n) group velocity (in fibre
optics)/ |
群小 | ぐんしょう | (n) trifling/minor/petty/ |
群雲 | むらくも | (n) gathering clouds/ |
群れを成す | むれをなす | (exp) to form groups/ |
群がる | むらがる | (v5r) to swarm/to gather/(P)/ |
群盗 | ぐんとう | (n) group (gang) of robbers/ |
群盲 | ぐんもう | (n) the blind or foolish masses/ |
群を成して | ぐんをなして | in crowds/in a group/in swarms/ |
群竹 | むらたけ | (n) thick growth of bamboo/ |
群生 | ぐんせい | (n) all animate creation/many people/ |
群島 | ぐんとう | (n) island group/archipelago/(P)/ |