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Kanji: Radical: (ひつじ) : グン; む(れ)、む(れる)、むら(がる); group
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3667 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1540
Japanese Reading English
ぐんよう(n) flock of sheep/collection of weaklings/
ぐんたい(n) colony (biology)/
ぐんゆう(n) rival chiefs/
ぐんぶ(n) dancing in groups/
むれいる(v1) to crowd in/to come together/
群れるむれる(v1) to crowd/to flock/to swarm/(P)/
ぐんぽう(n) (the many peaks of a) mountain range/
ぐんじょう(n) ultramarine/
ぐんぎ(n) multitude of opinions/
ぐんまけん prefecture in the Kantou area/
群棲ぐんせい(n) living gregariously/
ぐんしゅう(n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
ぐんぞう(n) sculptured group/(P)/
群れまるむれあつまる(v5) to gather in large groups/
群れむれあそぶ(v5b) to play in a group/
ぐんしゅう(n) (social) group/crowd/throng/mob/multitude/(P)/
ぐんぱつじしんswarm earthquakes/
ぐん(n,n-suf) group (math)/(P)/
ぐんでんぱんじかん (n) group delay (in fibre optics)/
ぐんしん(n) a crowd or large number of one's retainers or subjects/
ぐんきょ(n) gregariousness/
群雀むらすずめ(n) flock of sparrows/
むらだちstanding in a group/standing up in unison/
群れむれ(n) group/crowd/flock/herd/bevy/school/swarm/cluster (of stars)/clump/(P)/
ぐんしゅうしんり(n) mass or mob psychology/
ぐんろん(n) group theory/theory of groups/
ぐんぱつ(n) repeated occurrence/
ぐんゆうかっきょ(n) rivalry of local warlords/a number of powerful (talented, influential) persons standing by themselves in a given field/
ぐんしゅうこうどうcrowd behavior/
ぐんらく(n) many communities (villages)/cluster of plants/
ぐんそくど (n) group velocity (in fibre optics)/
ぐんしょう(n) trifling/minor/petty/
むらくも(n) gathering clouds/
群れをむれをなす(exp) to form groups/
群がるむらがる(v5r) to swarm/to gather/(P)/
ぐんとう(n) group (gang) of robbers/
ぐんもう(n) the blind or foolish masses/
群をしてぐんをなしてin crowds/in a group/in swarms/
むらたけ(n) thick growth of bamboo/
ぐんせい(n) all animate creation/many people/
ぐんとう(n) island group/archipelago/(P)/