The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
習練 | しゅうれん | (n,vs) practice/training/discipline/ |
習癖 | しゅうへき | (n) (bad) habit/ |
習 い事 | ならいごと | (n) accomplishment/lesson/practice/ |
習う | ならう | (v5u) to learn/(P)/ |
習作 | しゅうさく | (n) study (e.g. music)/ |
習字 | しゅうじ | calligraphy |
習性 | しゅうせい | (n) trait/ |
習得 | しゅうとく | (n,vs) learning/acquisition/(P)/ |
習字 | しゅうじ | (n) penmanship/(P)/ |
習慣 | しゅうかん | (n) custom/habit/manners/(P)/ |
習俗 | しゅうぞく | (n) manners and customs/folkways/usage/ |
習わし | ならわし | (adj-no,n) customary practice/habit/traditional event/ |
習い | ならい | (n) as is habit/the way life normally is/ |
習熟 | しゅうじゅく | (n,vs) skilled/expert/mastery/ |
習う | ならう | learn |