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Kanji: Radical: (みみ) : セイ; ; holy
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2960 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2830
Japanese Reading English
せいれい(n) the holy ghost/(P)/
せいてつ(n) wise man/
せいと(n) disciple/adherent/
せいしょくしゃ (n) clergyman/churchman/clergy/
せいかたい (n) choir/
せいこうかい (n) Anglican or Episcopal Church/
せいじつ(n) holy day/the Sabbath/
せいたんさい (n) Christmas/
せいゆ(n) holy oil/
せいじん(n) saint/sage/holy man/(P)/
せいぼ(n) emperor's mother/Virgin Mary/(P)/
せいしゅうHoly Week/
聖のひじりのみよ emperor's reign/
寿せいじゅ(n) age or life of the emperor/
せいかだい (n) platform (structure) bearing the Olympic flame/
せいでん(Catholic) tradition/
聖ニコラスせいニコラスSaint Nicholas/
せいれいこうりんさい (n) (the feast of) Pentecost/
せいたい(n) the emperor's person/the Host/the Eucharist/Holy Communion/
せいし(n) imperial command/
聖エルモのせいエルモのひSt Elmo's fire/
せいさん(n) Emperor's age/
せいけん(n) saints and sages/
せいどう(n) (Confucian) temple/church/sanctuary/(P)/
せいや(n) holy night/Christmas Eve/
せいか(n) sacred fire (torch)/
せいせん(n) holy war/crusade/
聖蹟せいせき(n) holy site/
せいじゃ(n) saint/
聖餐 せいさん(n) celebrant/
せいろかびょういん St Luke Hospital/
せいきょう(n) sacred teachings/Confucianism/Christianity/
せいだん(n) imperial decision/
せいてん(n) scriptures/
せいじょう(n) the emperor/
せいか(n) hymn/chant/sacred song/
せいだん(n) altar/
せいべつ(n) consecration/
せいしょく(n) sacred profession/holy orders/vocation/ministry/
せいたいはいりょうthe Eucharist/Holy Communion/
せいいき(n) sacred precincts/(P)/
せいしょ(n) Bible/scriptures/(P)/
せいせき(n) holy site/
せいかぞく (n) the Holy Family/
せいとく(n) imperial virtue/
せいち(n) sacred place/holy ground/the Holy Land/
せいだい(n) magnificent imperial reign/
せいおん(n) imperial blessings or favor/
聖餐せいさんしき(n) Holy Communion/the Eucharist/the Lord's Supper/