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Kanji: Radical: (みみ) : ショク; ; employment
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3718 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1425
Japanese Reading English
しょくにんかたぎspirit of a true artisan/
しょくいき(n) range of ones work (occupation)/
しょくぎょうぐんじんcareer soldier/
しょくぎょうてき (adj-na) professional/
しょくせき(n) one's duty/responsibilities pertaining to ones work/
しょくばとうそうlabor unrest/
しょくぎょうくんれん(n) job (work) training (for the unskilled)/
職にしょくにつく(exp) to take up employment/
しょくむきゅう (n) wages based on job evaluation/
しょくぎょうふじんcareer woman/
しょっかいせい (n) job ranking system/
しょくぶん(n) one's duty/vocation/
しょくさがしjob hunting/
しょくのうだいひょうせ い(n) vocational representation system/
しょくにんていのおとこman of workmanlike appearance/
しょくばかんきょう(n) one's work environment/
しょくちょう(n) foreman/
しょくしょう(n) official duties/office/function/
しょくしゅ(n) type of occupation/occupational category/
しょくぎょういしきprofessional sense/
しょくいんかいぎstaff meeting/
しょっけん(n) authority/commission/
しょく(n,n-suf) employment/(P)/
しょくいんしつ staff room/
しょっけんらんよう(n) abuse of (one's) authority/
しょくそemployees' union/
しょくぎょうあんてい じょ(n) public employment security office/
しょくば(n) one's post/place of work/workplace/(P)/
しょくれき(n) work experience/work history/(P)/
しょくぎょうびょう (n) occupational disease/
職をしょくをさがす(exp) to hunt for a job/to seek employment/
しょくいんろく (n) list of personnel/
しょくいん(n) official seal/
しょくのう(n) function/work ability/
しょくせい(n) office organization/managerial post/
しょくむ(n) professional duties/(P)/
しょっこう(n) (factory) worker/
しょくいん(n) staff member/personnel/(P)/
しょくむしつもんpolice questioning/
しょくのうきゅう (n) salary based on work evaluation/
しょくにん(n) worker/mechanic/artisan/craftsman/(P)/
しょくぎょうべつでんわちょうclassified telephone directory/
しょくばけっこんmarriage between co-workers/
職を退しょくをしりぞく(exp) to resign from one's post/
しょくあん(n) (abbr) public employment security office/
しょっかい(n) job ranking/
しょくめい(n) official title/name of one's job/
しょくぎょう(n) occupation/business/(P)/