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Kanji: Radical: 肉、月 (にく、にくづき) : ; はだ; skin
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3726 Index in Halpern dictionary: 827
Japanese Reading English
きふ(n) skin/
はだあい(n) disposition/temperament/
きこつskin and bones/
はだぎ(n) underwear/lingerie/singlet/chemise/(P)/
はだあい(n) person's disposition/
はだぬぎ(n) naked to the waist/
はだざむい(adj) chilly/unpleasantly cold/
きめ(n) grain/(skin) texture/
肌襦袢はだじゅばん(n) (Japanese-style) underwear/
はだざわり(n) the touch of/feel of/(P)/
はだ(n) skin/body/grain/texture/disposition/(P)/
肌がわないはだがあわないcannot go together (with)/
さずはだみはなさず (adv) always carry/
はだいろ(n) flesh-coloured/skin-coloured/(P)/
はださむい(adj) chilly/unpleasantly cold/(P)/
肌をはだをゆるす(exp) to surrender one's chastity to a man/
はだみ(n) body/
肌でじるはだでかんじる(v1) to understand from experience/