肝炎 | かんえん | (n) hepatitis/ |
魂 | きもったま | (n) guts/pluck/spirit/ |
肝入り | きもいり | (n) (1) performing good offices/(2)
sponsorship/ |
肝腎 | かんじん | (adj-na,n)
essential/fundamental/crucial/vital/main/ |
肝臓 | かんぞう | (n) liver/(P)/ |
要 | かんよう | (adj-na,n)
essential/vital/crucial/importance/(P)/ |
心 | かんじん | (adj-na,n)
essential/fundamental/crucial/vital/main/(P)/ |
肝胆相照らす | かんたんあいてらす | to profound compatability/ |
肝を冷やす | きもをひやす | (exp) to be struck with terror/ |
肝に銘じる | きもにめいじる | (exp) to be deeply impressed/ |
肝煎り | きもいり | (n) (1) performing good offices/(2)
sponsorship/ |
肝試し | きもだめし | (n) test of courage/a dare/ |
肝胆 | かんたん | (n) the liver and gall bladder/one's inner
being/ |
肝 | きも | (n)
liver/(P)/ |
肝っ玉 | きもったま | (n) courage/pluck/nerve/(P)/ |
肝心要 | かんじんかなめ
| (adj-na,n) the main point/ |
肝胆相照らす間柄である | かんたんあいてらすあいだがらである
| (exp) to be quite in sympathy with each
other/ |
肝葉 | かんよう | lobe of the liver/ |
肝吸い | きもすい | (n) eel-liver soup/ |
肝油 | かんゆ | (n) cod-liver oil/(P)/ |
肝銘 | かんめい | (n) deep impression/ |
肝臓癌 | かんぞうがん | (n) liver cancer/ |
肝硬変 | かんこうへん
| (n) cirrhosis of the liver/(P)/ |