肩叩き | かたたたき | (n) shoulder massage/tapping (for a post or
assignment)/ |
肩 | かた | (n)
shoulder/(P)/ |
肩先 | かたさき | (n) (top of) shoulder/ |
肩を怒らせる | かたをいからせる | (v1) to perk up (square) one's shoulders/ |
肩車 | かたぐるま | (n) riding piggyback/riding on someone's
shoulders/ |
肩部 | けんぶ | shoulder/ |
肩甲骨 | けんこうこつ
| (n) shoulder-blade/ |
肩代り | かたがわり | (n) shouldering another's debt/(P)/ |
肩甲帯 | けんこうたい
| shoulder girdle/ |
肩書き | かたがき | (n) title/degree/address (on letter)/criminal
record/(P)/ |
肩 | かた | shoulder |
肩が凝る | かたがこる | stiff shoulders/ill at ease/ |
肩身が狭い | かたみがせまい
| feeling ashamed/ |
肩章 | けんしょう | (n) shoulder strap/epaulet/epaulette/(P)/ |
肩をすくめる | かたをすくめる
| (v1) to shrug one's shoulders/ |
肩身 | かたみ | (n) shoulders/ |
担ぐ | かたにかつぐ | (exp) to bear/to shoulder/ |
肩当て | かたあて | (n) shoulder reinforcement/epaulet/ |
肩胛骨 | けんこうこつ | (n) shoulder blade/ |
肩書 | かたがき | (n) title/degree/address (on letter)/criminal
record/(P)/ |
肩寄せる | かたよせる | (v1) to be (standing) together, an arm across the
other's shoulder/ |
肩巾 | ひれ | (n) (arch) shawl (on
shoulder of woman's dress)/ |
肩透かし | かたすかし | (n) dodging/parrying (questions)/ |
肩上げ | かたあげ | (n) (with reference to clothing) a shoulder
tuck/ |
肩替わり | かたがわり | (n) takeover/a transfer/shouldering a
load/subrogation/ |
肩甲骨 | かたこうこつ
| (n) shoulder-blade/ |
肩身が広い | かたみがひろい
| wide shoulders/(P)/ |
肩慣らし | かたならし | (n) warming or limbering up/ |
肩入れ | かたいれ | (n,vs) support/backing/patronage/ |
肩肘張る | かたひじはる | to swagger/to stiffen/ |
肩凝り | かたこり | (n) stiff shoulders/ |
肩を持つ | かたをもつ | (v5) to side with/to support/ |
肩肘 | かたひじ | (n) shoulder and elbow/ |
肩たたき | かたたたき | (n) tap on the shoulder/request to resign/ |
肩幅 | かたはば | (n) shoulder width (breadth)/ |
肩掛け | かたかけ | (n) shawl/ |
肩代わり | かたがわり | (n) shouldering another's debt/(P)/ |