背信 | はいしん | (n,vs) betrayal/infidelity/(P)/ |
背面飛行 | はいめんひこう | (n) inverted flight/ |
背美鯨 | せみくじら
| (n) a right whale/ |
背が低い | せがひくい | short (person)/ |
格好 | せかっこう
| (n) one's height or stature/one's
physique/ |
背走 | はいそう | (n) running backwards/ |
背丈 | せたけ | (n) stature/height/(P)/ |
背後 | はいご | (n) back/rear/ |
反 | はいはん | (n,vs) revolting/rebellion/going
against/contradiction/antinomy/ |
背の順 | せのじゅん | order of height/ |
戸 | せど | (n) back door or entrance/ |
背負う | しょう | (v5u) to be burdened with/to carry on back or
shoulder/ |
背広 | せびろ | (n) business suit/(P)/ |
背負い投げ | しょいなげ
| (n) back or shoulder
throw/betrayal/ |
背骨 | せぼね | (n) spine/backbone/(P)/ |
背任 | はいにん | (n) breach of trust (law)/ |
背景 | はいけい | (n)
background/scenery/setting/circumstance/(P)/ |
背泳 | はいえい | (n) backstroke/ |
中合わせ | せなかあわせ
| (n) back to back/discord/feud/ |
背負う | せおう | (v5u) to be burdened with/to carry on back or
shoulder/(P)/ |
背負い投げ | せおいなげ
| (n) back or shoulder
throw/betrayal/ |
背の明いた服 | せのあいたふく
| garment open at the back/ |
背高 | せいたか | (n) tall/ |
背教 | はいきょう | (n) apostasy/ |
背日性 | はいじつせい
| (n) negative heliotropism/ |
背割り | せわり | (n) slicing a fish down its back/a slit in the back of a
garment/ |
背比べ | せいくらべ | (n) comparing heights/comparison of
statures/ |
背革 | せがわ | (n) leatherbound/ |
背筋 | せすじ | (n) (1) the muscles along the spine/dorsal muscles/(2)
spinal column/(3) seam in the back/back seam/ |
背泳ぎ | せおよぎ | (n) backstroke (swim.)/ |
背中を出す | せなかをだす
| (exp) to bare one's back/ |
背く | そむく | (v5k) to run counter to/to go against/to disobey/to
infringe/(P)/ |
背面跳び | はいめんとび
| (n) Fosbury-back flop/backward
jump/ |
背が高い | せがたかい | tall (person)/ |
文字 | せもじ
| (n) lettering on the spine of a
book/ |
背戻 | はいれい | (n,vs) disobeying/infringing/running counter
to/ |
背筋 | はいきん | (n) (1) the muscles along the spine/dorsal muscles/(2)
spinal column/(3) seam in the back/back seam/ |
背が丸い | せがまるい | round-backed/ |
高い | せがたかい | tall (person) |
向ける | せをむける | (exp) to pretend not to see/to turn one's back
on/ |
背抜き | せぬき | (n) unlined in the back/ |
背約 | はいやく | (n) a broken promise/breaking one's word/ |
背比べ | せくらべ | (n) comparing heights/comparison of statures/ |
背馳 | はいち | (n)
inconsistency/contradiction/disobedience/ |
背部 | はいぶ | (n) back/ |
| せい | (n)
height/stature/(P)/ |
背教者 | はいきょうしゃ
| apostate/renegade/ |
背理 | はいり | (n) absurdity/irrationality/ |
背ける | そむける | (v1) to turn one's face away/to avert one's
eyes/(P)/ |
背任罪 | はいにんざい
| (n) breach of trust/ |